Ex 20:7: You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.
In vain means empty, futile, lightly, profane, meaningless. Taking the name of God in vain is using the name meaninglessly, futile, lightly, empty or profaning it.
The name of God
The name of God is a potent powerful name. A name which every person must bow down in its mention.
Ways the name of god is taken in vain
- A street slang, expression or curse name
In today’s world, the name of God has became like any other name even being lowered than any other. It has become a street slang, a street expression, a curse name and a name which many people swear to.
How many times in a day will you hear people take the name of God in vain? How many times in a day will you hear someone say, ‘Oh my God’, call Jesus Christ and so on and so on?
- Blasphemy
The name of God is taken lightly and placed anyhow, anywhere . From men’s speech, movies, televisions, radios, music etc God’s name is highly blasphemed.
- Allowing God name be taken in vain
Taking the name of God in vain is not only talking about it lightly or meaningless, it is also allowing it be taken in vain in your presence. As you watch a movie, television or listen to music and the name of God is taken in vain, you have sinned by allowing that name be taken in vain.
You allow that name get in to your ears and whoever is close. You have sinned and repercussions are on the way. If you hear the name of God taken in vain, you are supposed to react and protect the name.
- Swear and oaths
If you swear in God’s name or lower what is holy and perfect in God eyes you have broken the third command; You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. All false oaths are forbidden.
- Praising and worship God without reverence and seriousness
Praising and worship God without reverence and seriousness is breaking this law. As I have written in the article, the importance of great faith, one of the importance of faith is not to flatter God. Praying or talking to God without great faith is flattering God and taking His name in vain. Why? Because your doubting not serious and believing his name.
Be serious in your worship.
Effects of taking the name of God in vain
Taking the name of God in vain causes;
- Desensitization
When we let the name of God be taken in vain, as a street slang, curse word, street slang expression name, people are desensitized from the power of the name. Many people have been desensitized from the name of God that it does not mean anything big and people can use it anyhow, anywhere. The name has been mentioned many times in a slang way that it does not hold its power and meaning.
- Lowers God dominion and power
This is Satan’s plan; to lower the authority, dominion and power of God. He is behind blasphemy and profanity; To desensitize people about God (Jesus) and the reality that hell is real. When you take the name of God in vain (lightly or meaningless), that is blasphemy.
- Empties reality
Taking the name of God in vain makes people not know that there is reality. It empties the importance of the name that it does not impart people. Like the word ‘damn’, that means damnation. This word has lost its reality that man does not see anything big in it.
When a person says ‘damn you’, ‘damn that’, ‘damn this’, s/he is sending that person or thing to hell. Through people taking this name in vain, Hell has seized to be a reality to many people.
Consequence of taking the name of God in vain
This command is unlike other commands and God puts it straight that this command is exceptionally serious. He says that, ‘for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.’.
Indeed there are consequences to blasphemy and profanity (taking God’s name in vain). When you use the name of God wrongly, the name still holds its power so there are repercussions. If you use the name of God positively, the power in it will bring positive results but when you will use the name negatively, it will bring negative results.
Everyone in the world is careful about what s/he says, not to offend one another or break the world laws but when it comes to the name of Jesus Christ, the name is blasphemed.
Lets stop taking the name of God in vain.