Ex 20:2-3 I am the LORD your God, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.
God declares Himself as our supreme LORD who has brought us from bondage. As the children of Israel were in bondage, also we were all in bondage before seen the light (been born-again). Bondage is being under the law; realize that the laws give birth to children under slavery while grace gives birth to free children (not under slavery).
God uses the word ‘your’ highlighted above. ‘Your’ is singular, meaning He is your God singularly. He created you; He knows you, your likes, your desires and every thing about you, even in a greater way than you know yourself. He knows what is right for you, your past, tomorrow and your future.
From this line, ‘You shall have no other gods before me’, two important points comes out clearly, that;
- There are other gods.
- Man can have (worship) other gods
If you look at the meaning of the word God, you will find that there are many gods. Like in ancient times, people chose which god to serve and today we have many gods and it is upon you to choose who and which is your god.
The ancient gods, have gone nowhere but they are still here with us today. Some of the gods are;
Baal was the god of power and he is in control today. He is still alive with many worshiping him even many calling themselves Christians are not spared. If you’re into power, you are worshiping Baal. The world gives power and many men are doing all they can with their hands to have power or be in power.
Being in power is being in control, being on top. No one wants to be a servant, everyone wants to be a master, a leader, president, manager etc. You want to be on top, in control, in power, you desire power, you declare yourselves as a powerful man or woman, desiring and wanting more and more power, you are worshiping power; Baal; a devilish god.
Many men in the world today are fighting for power. Nations rising against nation, communities fighting communities, wars, man fighting one another, politicians, world leaders, just struggling and fighting in search of or to have power. This is total devilish; worship of Baal.
Astrol was the god of pleasure. In ancient times, those who worshiped astrol met at his feet and committed all sorts of sexual immorality. This god is in scene today not in the name of astrol but in form of drugs, pornography, pleasure, sex, etc and many have sunk into his worship even many hypocrites’ covering themselves with a cover of Christianity in the public.
And the world (Lucifer) has taken sex to the next level making it a lifestyle and a money-making tag, ‘sex sales’. You live your life searching for pleasure, which you cannot get enough of but instead astrol only gives you addiction for total worship of him your entire life.
Mammon was a god of money and in today’s world, ‘money is god’. Man has turned everything to be monetary, doing all s/he can to earn money, living for money, even harming her/himself for money without caring about his/her body; the temple of God. The poor and the rich are all worshiping money, even churches and ministries are being measured in terms of money.
Life is being valued in monetary term and money is being exchanged with life. Mammon has swept many churches only preaching a prosperity gospel; a gospel of money (getting rich; Baal), power (astrol) and good health. Mammon has taken over the entire world.
Molok was a god of practicality; ‘Do what ever it takes to get what you want’. They used to sacrifice babies to be blessed in businesses and enterprises. This god is here today but not in the name of molok but baptized with different names like ‘yes I can do it’, ‘yes we can’, ‘yes I can’, ‘we can’, ‘I can’, ‘I can achieve’, ‘do what ever it takes to achieve’, ‘you can do it’ etc and they have subtracted God in all this.
Today’s so called ‘men of God’ (televangelists, pastors, ministers, prophets, apostles etc) have become idols and gods to the world and to their followers. Instead of leading multitudes to Jesus Christ, many are being worshiped, given attention, praise and worship they should not have. The focus and attention have moved from Jesus Christ to these men. Woe to you wolves in sheep cloths and your blind followers.
Apart from these gods have mentioned, there are so many other gods in today’s world. Open up your eyes and see which God you’re worshiping and stop idolatry.
‘I AM’ is a jealous God (Ex 20:5).