You do not need giving sacrificing tithing laws to give unto God. For where Love Reigns, Law is obsolete and Where Law Rules, love ceases to exist.
See differences between giving of the Law and giving out of Love
You Do Not Need Giving Laws to Give Unto God
Laws are for people who cannot do what is required of them, who abscond their responsibility, who can’t do the good, thus laws must be decreed to force them.
When a parent absconds his/her responsibility to take care of his/her child, they are taken to court for law to force them take care of the child.
When God gave offering sacrificing tithing laws unto the children of Israel, it’s because they had absconded their responsibility to give unto God, they had become stingy unto God, thieves stealing from the Lord. Therefore, the Lord had to decree Laws to force them to tithe offer sacrifice and give.
God did not give Abraham tithing offering giving laws because Abraham being a friend of God knew giving is a parcel of a child of God. Abraham was the biggest giver both to God and men I know.
And for the same reason, God never gave giving tithing sacrificing laws to the church but a command to Love Him, because He knew those who indeed love Him will give beyond what the law dictates. Love gives all, Love give more than a tithe.
Remember the church lives by faith like Abraham not by laws as the children of Israel. Therefore, it’s expected of us to give as Abraham, beyond what the law requires. For love gives without measure.
People who give because its written/commanded, cannot give if it was not written. If they lived before Bible came to existence, in the times of Abraham, they could give not unto God.
Abraham had no Bible, but Abraham gave both to God and men more than most of the humans during his times on earth.
A true Bride of Christ, a true child of God has the Spirit of giving to God and to men. Because Love gives and it’s expressed through giving not receiving.
Make giving to God your Lifestyle. Because giving was Jesus lifestyle when on earth and we are commanded to imitate Him. See imitate Jesus Lifestyle
Do not steal from God, do not be stingy to Him, it is for your own good.
Expressing your Love to Him through giving is your responsibility. It’s not the gift you are giving He is after, but your sincere expression of your Love for Him.
Make giving your Lifestyle
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