You cannot preach what you do not have. You cannot give what you do not have. You cannot preach Jesus Christ you do not have.
Today, Jesus Christ is blasphemed because people are preaching Jesus they do not have, giving and telling people to receive what they do not have and witnessing to what/whom they have never seen.
You Cannot Preach What You Do Not Have
When Jesus was on earth, He was preaching what He was, Whom He was and giving what He has.
When Jesus said ‘I AM the bread of life’, the provider (John 6:48) – He fed people (Mt 14:15-21, Mk 6:35-44, John 6:5-13).
Because He was the Lord who heals, people afflicted with all kinds of diseases and sicknesses were brought to Him and He healed them all (Mt 4:23-25, Mt 12:15, Mk 3)
When Jesus spoke of riches of kingdom of heaven, looking at Him indeed you saw the riches.
When Jesus preached ‘do not worry about tomorrow’ (Mt 6:25-34), Him and His disciples lived by example – a life of no worry.
He was love, He preached love thus Jesus never abused, never fought, never cursed a human being, never went about pointing fingers at others, neither did He kill a human being yet He had the power to, etc.
Everything of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus preached, He was. Everything that Jesus gave He had and has. Jesus never preached what he doesn’t have and cannot give, never testified and bore witness to what He has never seeing.
Jesus had 10 disciples (excluding Judas). He took them from the poorest and nobody’s in the society – fishermen had the lowest status in society. He took about 3 ½ years with them why?
This was to make them be like Him reason at the end of the years when Jesus was coming to be arrested, they had to have a person who knows Him, to identify Him within the disciples for the disciples were like Him.
Though at first they were the poorest in the society, at the end of the appointed time with Jesus they were rich wealthy and looked like wealth itself, like Jesus Himself reason you see Jesus tell them not to carry gold when they go to preach (Mt 10).
Though He got them from being fishermen who used to spend nights catching nothing, poor, unhealthy, unbelieving, etc, by the end of about 3 ½ years, they looked like Jesus; blessed, healthy, rich, wise, knowledgeable, with great faith, etc
You cannot preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without you looking like Him, Jesus Christ.
When Jesus come 2011 to call me (see my testimony), I was very poor, unhealthy, so thin, etc – I looked like curse itself; like a fisherman who spends nights catching nothing. And God told me it is not yet time for me to preach His gospel and He showed me a vision of myself standing before people preaching His gospel – the Joshua I was seeing in the vision was healthy, rich, blessed, clean, so different from the Joshua I was at that time.
And I remember the Holy Spirit telling me if I go out to preach the gospel at that time, people will mock and blaspheme the God I preach.
Today, many people are out preaching Jesus Christ but looking like a curse which makes Jesus Christ be mocked and blasphemed. They preach Jesus they do not look like, they do not live like, testifying and witnessing to what they have not seeing, giving and telling people to receive what they themselves do not have.
This is one blindness with today so-called-Christians; accepting every person who comes in the name of Jesus Christ even if the person does not look-like and live like Jesus Christ Himself.
Today you see a person preaching Jesus the healer, yet that person is battling with diseases and sicknesses, in medication – you are preaching what you do not have. How will people get what you yourself have not? You are making Jesus be mocked – go get the Healer first.
Jesus Christ cannot send you to preach healing while you have not received the healing – you cannot tell people ‘be healed in the Name of Jesus’, testify ‘Jesus is the healer’ when He has not healed you.
People are preaching Jesus and His Kingdom telling you to seek it and all will be added unto you, yet they are begging, asking you to give offering, tithe, etc for them to eat, cloth themselves, etc – they are making Jesus Christ be blasphemed. Why can they go seek it and all be added unto them first before coming to preach that to you?
Jesus Christ does not send beggars to preach His gospel for begging is a curse itself and that will make Jesus Christ be mocked and blasphemed.
I have seen poor people, looking like they have not even eaten for a long time, not bathed, clothed in poverty, etc claiming to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, will people not mock God because of them? How do you tell people of the riches of the kingdom of heaven yet you look like poverty itself? Go finish up with God first. The kingdom of God is not a kingdom of poverty, poverty is of hell; darkness.
People mock and blaspheme Jesus when they see a poor man preaching His gospel. See how to know you have the spirit of poverty
It is not the responsibility of the people to provide for a preacher but it is God Himself who provides for whomever He has send – it was not the Children of Israel responsibility to provide for Moses. Today, Jesus Christ and His gospel has been turned into a begging platform in the name of tithes, offerings, etc and Jesus Christ is blasphemed because of this.
Your provision is always in doing the Will of God. When you deviate from the Will of God, provision flees from you.
Today so-called-churches concentrates on tithing and offering telling you that you will be blessed. Why have they not tithed first and be blessed, and be a blessing to those inside the church by ministering to Jesus Christ by helping the needy?
You cannot preach heaven blessings, tell people to receive blessings yet you yourself do not have the blessings – you are lying. It is like a poor man teaching you how to be rich – will you be rich or poor like him? Indeed, you will be poor!
You cannot preach holiness yet you yourself look unholy and your deeds and what comes out of you is unholy. See the temple in whom Jesus Christ dwells is holy inside and outside
I have seen people preaching holiness, yet they are filthy, abusing, persecuting, gossiping, rumormongers, faultfinders, love fights and goes around looking at who to fight, etc. Will they lead you to filthiness or to holiness? Because of this, Jesus is blasphemed.
You cannot preach marriage without you having it. Many people have weddings not marriage. There is a difference between a wedding and marriage.
Today you see people not yet married, divorced, separated, in failed marriages preaching and teaching you about marriage – flee if not, you will be like them.
A failed marriage is not a testimony to the glory of Jesus Christ. Today people are testifying of failed marriages in the name of glory to God but in reality they are glorifying Satan for what he has accomplished. In the same manner is also testifying of a failed/dysfunctional family.
You cannot preach what you do not have
You cannot give what you do not have
You cannot tell people to receive what you yourself do not have
These are some of the examples of things which make Jesus Christ be mocked and blasphemed.
Is Jesus Christ mocked and blasphemed because of you? (Rom 2:24)
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand