This is vision of how women makeup is Satanic as revealed to me in the morning of 27th November 2016.
Vision of How Women Makeup is Satanic
Women makeup came from the fallen angels
These fallen angels taught humanity makeup and artificial beautification including fake eyebrows and eyelashes
Then powdery women makeup products were presented to me
I saw how these makeup products destroy the skin
I saw very young women looking very old on their facial skin because of makeup
I saw facial skin problems with women who use makeup
If you look at a woman part of skin were makeup is often applied, the skin is damaged
And some men are also using makeup
Makeup is Satan agenda
Lying to you that you look beautiful with makeup
And damaging your skin for you to continue using his makeup products in the name of hiding blemish
You give yourself a mask while in reality your skin is dying inside
Stop listening to Satan lies and lying to yourself
Makeup does not make you beautiful, it is Satanic and you will answer your creator for feeding on Satan table
If you depart from these satanic makeup products, God will give you a new skin and take away the destroyed even the blemishes
Remember also that God revealed about tights – See Vision of What God Sees When a Lady Dresses in Tights or Hot Pants
Flee from Satan
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand