Women in men’s clothing are an abomination to the Lord. Men in women clothing are an abomination to the Lord too.
Deut 22:5 A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God.
God gave me a revelation about this in the month of January 2017
Women in Men’s Clothing are an Abomination to the Lord
When a woman wears clothing of a man, she opens the door for Satan to enter her and so is a man
Satan has a demon which is a spirit of a man (demon of a man) and another which is the spirit of a woman (demon of a woman). The demon of a man is for women while the demon of a woman is for men.
When a woman wears man’s clothing, she is accepting the demon of a man and the demon comes fast in her. The demon makes her a man in a woman’s body
When a man wears woman’s clothing, he is accepting the demon of a woman, and the demon comes fast in her. The demon makes him a woman in man’s body.
Satan’s plan is to give women the demon of a man and men the demon of a woman to distort creation. He makes men women and women men.
Any woman who wears men’s clothing becomes a man in a woman’s body while any man who wears women clothing becomes a woman in man’s body. This is an abomination to the Lord.
How does this demon make a woman a man?
1. Makes women leaders/the head/authority
The head of a woman is a man (1 Cor 11:3)
2. Makes a woman feel equal to a man
See a woman is not equal to a man
3. Disrespects and submits not to a man
Because this demons has made a woman equal to a man, a woman will not respect and submit to a man – a wife will not respect and submit to her husband.
4. Takes women to war fronts
God does not take women to war front but this demon does
Reason you see women fighting for authority, position, leadership, fighting men, etc.
This are the wives who fight, argue, quarrel and control their husbands.
This demon is abusive too
5. Makes women want other women for sex
Because this demon is a man in a woman, it will go after women for sex – to exchange the natural with the unnatural.
This is the demon in every homosexual woman.
6. Changes women body
This demon has the power to change the body of a woman to that of man – reason you see women with bodies of men.
Women start speaking like men, walking like men, becoming masculine not tender, etc – this is the demon in them manipulating their bodies.
This is the reason you find women with male sex organs and vise-versa.
This demon changes the behavior of a woman to a man. It makes a woman a man.
Every woman who wears man’s clothing has a demon of a man – she is a man in a woman body. Men I tell you, flee from this women if you do not want to marry a fellow man in a woman’s body.
They are an abomination to God, let them be an abomination to you too men
How does the demon make a man a woman?
- A man starts being controlled and ruled by a woman. He is no longer the head be it in his family
- A man becomes emotional
- A man starts feeling like a woman thus becomes homosexual – starts lusting after men and looking for men for sex
- A man starts walking, talking and behaving like a woman
- A man starts beautifying himself
- Manipulates bodies of men to look like of a woman
- Makes a man a woman
Godly women, if you do not want to be married by a fellow woman in a man’s body, flee from this men.
Men rise to authority, to leadership, be the head to your woman and family – it is a God given role.
Where the TRUTH stands, demons cannot stand – they will fight and expose themselves.
Look at every woman fighting me and the TRUTH, they wear men’s clothing. It is this demon of a man in them fighting.
This demon cannot learn in silent with full submission (1 Tim 2:12-13) – it is a demon of arguments, abuses, quarrels and fights
This demon of a man in women does not want to hear respect, submission, women must not lead and that a woman is not equal to a man
God says,
‘A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God’
A woman who wears man’s clothing is an abomination to the Lord my God
A man who wears woman’s clothing is an abomination to the Lord my God
Because you are an abomination to my Lord, you are an abomination unto me too and to my brethren
A baby brought up in holiness, by holy parents, know the clothing of a man and clothing of a woman. You, you claim to be grown yet you cannot differentiate men’s and women clothing? You pretend you do not know yet you know.
Can God dwell in a thing that is abominable to Him? No! Neither can He dwell in a person abominable to Him
These women in men’s clothing claiming to have Jesus Christ are liars
These men in women’s clothing claiming to have Jesus Christ are liars
First thing God does when a person truly repents and believes in Him is to clean His temple (the body); God’s temple is Holy inside and outside – a woman is delivered from men’s clothing and a man delivered from women’s clothing.
God first teaches a woman how to dress like a woman and a man how to dress like a man.
You claim to have met God, why has He not taken away the abomination?
You claim God is moving in your worldly churches, crusades, in your entertainments, why has He not got you out of men’s clothing you women, you men from women clothing?
In presence of God, you will never be comfortable in sin neither will a demon be. But in your so-called churches women are comfortable in man’s clothing and men comfortable in women clothing. Is God present there? No!
Where God is, when God moves in a people, He delivers people from any abomination before His eyes, from demons and chain of the kingdom of darkness.
God said unto me that this demon of a man to women and woman to men does not come alone, it comes with foreign gods (we will study them later)
When a man becomes a woman that is an abomination to the Lord
When a woman becomes a man, it is an abomination to the Lord
A woman in man’s clothing is an abomination to the Lord. Hell awaits you if you do not repent.
A man in women’s clothing is an abomination to the Lord. Hell awaits you if you do not repent.
For those who want to walk the narrow difficult road, repent, get rid of those man’s clothing for women and women clothing for men and trust Jesus Christ to deliver you from this demon
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand