Why do we need prophets in the church today? Why do you need a prophet in your life as a Christian?
Some people say that we do not need prophets in the New Testament. They are lying; we need Jesus Christ prophets today.
To clearly understand why we need prophets in the church today, we need to understand who the prophets are.
Who are Prophets
1. They are God’s Mouthpiece
God does not speak directly audibly to humanity but only through His chosen servants the prophets. See God does not speak directly audibly to humanity
He speaks to His prophets, and then the prophets give God’s message to humanity.
God chosen prophets are His mouthpiece to humanity.
2. They are the eyes of God’s people
Prophets are the eyes of God’s people. God’s people today is the bride of Jesus Christ; the church.
Isa 29:10: For the LORD has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers has he covered.
The work of a human eye is to see so are the prophets; they see.
How can you walk without the eye? Will you not get lost or fall into a ditch?
Lk 6:39: Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?
Why we Need Prophets in the Church Today
1. For direction
The children of Israel did not know the direction from Egypt through the wilderness to the Promised Land even Moses did not know but God knew.
The children of Israel even did not know where the Promised Land was.
God was not giving direction to the children of Israel but only to His chosen servant prophet Moses.
The children of Israel followed their leader Moses directions blinded and obediently even when Moses led them to Red-Sea and they saw themselves being cut-off from the face of the earth.
As the children of Israel were, so is the church.
The church does not know the direction from the cross through the world to heaven even the prophets do not know but Jesus Christ knows.
Jesus said,
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6)
Jesus does not give the direction of the way through the world directly audible to all humanity because He does not speak to humanity audibly but only through His chosen servant the prophets, the same way He did not give the entire children of Israel the direction of the way through the wilderness but only through His chosen servant, Prophet Moses.
Jesus Christ gives direction of the way through the world to the Promised Land heaven only through His chosen servants the prophets.
Jesus Christ chooses His own servants. See we need prophets today and God chooses His own servants; you do not choose yourself
As the children of Israel did not know where the Promised Land was, so is the church; you and me. You do not know where heaven is. Knowing heaven is in the skies above is not knowing where it is located in the skies.
You need to obediently and blindly follow God chosen true prophets because they will lead you, showing you direction of the way to heaven.
Even if a true chosen God prophet is leading you to where you see yourself being cut-off from the planet earth, follow blindly obediently because you are about to see a miracle; the power of the true living God.
The road is narrow through the world to heaven and to walk it you need to blindly follow a God chosen prophet as the children of Israel followed Moses.
If a group of the children of Israel denied following Prophet Moses and walked in their own way in the wilderness, will they not have got lost and perished in the wilderness? Yes!
Majority of the church has denied following the directions given by God through His chosen prophets and many are lost in the world. You think you can make it without a prophet through the world to heaven but instead the world has entangled you and you are lost.
Apostles, evangelists, teachers and pastors are not prophets. It is only prophets who are the eyes of the church. God gives direct of the way to only His prophets.
Some Apostles, evangelists, teachers and pastors have rubbished prophets and it is for this reason you see the church lost in the world (wilderness) without direction.
If they will not change direction and follow God directions of the way given by the prophets, they will indeed perish with their gullible followers.
They have chosen to abuse and speak against God prophets. They are the likes of Korah and his company. See do not speak against God servant.
Will the earth not eventually open and shallow them all?
Through the wilderness which is the world, you need a prophet. You cannot make it through the world into heaven without a prophet as the children of Israel could not have seen the Promised Land without Prophet Moses and Joshua.
If you deny the eye (the prophets) will you not fall into a ditch and perish?
Lk 6:39: Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?
Remember apostles, pastors, teaches and evangelists lack the eye with prophets but some claim to have it which is a lie.
Mt 15:14: Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
There are very many parts of your christian life, as you pass through the wilderness, which you need direction and this is the reason you need a prophet. You must know the direction God is leading you to for you not to fall into a ditch. Be it in employment, marriage, career, investing, calling, etc, you need a prophet.
God chosen prophets know everything God is about to do because, ‘Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophet’ (Amos 3:7).
Before God does anything He gives instructions to His prophets to instruct His people on earth what to do. Severally we see this in the Bible.
We see God instructing Moses what the people must do before God does anything E.g. see before Passover, before Red Sea parted, before He come down to Mount Sinai, before Manna etc.
If the children of Israel did not obey Moses it was disobeying God Himself and because of disobedience many perished.
Today, before God does anything He reveals to His prophets with instructions on what the bride must do.
As God spoke to me, I have spoke of judgment coming to Kenya with many signs which have been fulfilled and calling people to repentance. Part of those who claim to be God’s people are the one abusing me.
And as time moved I have told you now that it is time for personal salvation in Kenya. Stop focusing on the nation but your own salvation because God judgment is coming and only the righteous in Kenya will be spared. This is direction and instructions.
I have spoken of South Africa, Cameroon, Mexico, Spain, United States of America, etc you need to repent before God judgment comes to you. This is direction from God through His prophet to His people.
To people praying asking God for direction, God has severally come to me and send me to many to reveal the direction in their life.
To others, God has sent me to reveal to them their calling because they have been walking into the wrong direction thinking they are called for this or that which is not.
Many people have lost direction thinking in their minds that they are called to do this and that which is not. Many will not accomplish what they were created to do if they will not seek direction.
Without a God chosen prophet leading and giving you direction, you will get lost in the world and perish. Without a prophet, you are walking blindly heading to a ditch. Without a prophet, you have lost direction heading to hell not heaven.
You cannot blindly go to heaven. Instead you will perish as you get entangled in the world.
2. To give the church God’s instruction
As I have revealed, before God does anything He reveals it to His prophets and gives them instructs on what His people must do.
It is a prophet who receives instructions from God then takes the instruction down to the people.
Before Passover, God gave Moses instructions for Him to instruct the children of Israel on what they must do. If they could not have painted blood on their doors, could they also have perished for disobedience? Yes!
Before God come down to Mt. Sinai He gave Moses instructions on what the children of Israel must do and not do. If a person could have disobeyed and come near the mountain, the person could have perished immediately.
(These are some examples)
Before God does anything, He reveals to His prophets and gives the prophets instructions what the people must do and must not do. Always disobeying the voice of God through prophets leads to consequences.
See consequences of disobeying prophecy and prophets
Even before Kenyans kill each other more than in 2007-2008 post election violence, He has given instruction through His prophets on what His people must do to be spared and those with hearken they will be saved.
Even before Jesus Christ descends to the clouds for the rapture of the church, I am sure He will inform His prophets because He does nothing without revealing to the prophets.
And it is for this reason prophets know heavenly timings precisely and the third point comes in.
3. To reveal God precise timing to the church
God reveals His timing clearly to His prophets. Before He does anything He reveals to the prophets with precise timing or signs marking the timing.
If you are close to a God chosen prophet, you are able to know when God is about to do something even in your personal life.
And as I have said early, I am sure if you are close to a prophet you will know immediately before Jesus descends to the clouds to rapture the church. See my vision of the rapture.
God prophets know precise God timing and it is them to tell the church the time for the church to do the right thing at the right time.
Stop walking when it is time to run. Stop running when it is time to walk. Stop walking when it is time to stop. Stop sleeping when it is time to be awake.
Do not be a foolish virgin who did not carry their oil at the right time. Know the timings to do the right thing at the right time.
4. For guidance
As we see severally Moses leading the children of Israel back to God when they had fallen, so prophets do and for this reason the church needs God chosen prophets.
A prophet will guide fallen people back to God’s love. Reason God sends prophets with a message of repentance.
Because of sin, humanity conscience might be corrupted to a point a human being does not see s/he is sinning and has lost direction until God sends a prophet to an individual, a community or a nation.
If to whom the prophet is send to hearkens to God, the prophet will guide the person/people back to God’s love.
We need prophets to lead us and guide us back to heavenly God. Without prophets, we cannot be guided in the right direction.
5. To grown spiritually
We need New Testament prophets because they can give us directions on things that are necessary for us to grow spiritually.
6. To bring down Satan Kingdom
Prophets are powerfully powered for spiritual and physical wars with the Satan kingdom and they pull down and destroy Satan kingdom.
Remember one of the prophet’s role is to destroy.
Jer 1:10: See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
And we see Elijah in Mt. Carmel contest bring the power of God against Baal and destroying all Baal prophets
7. To bring God’s foundation in the church
Without a prophet the church lacks strong foundation.
Eph 2:19-20: Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone
To have strong foundations in Jesus Christ, you need apostles and prophets. With only apostles lacking prophets or vise-versa the foundation is weak.
Because we and the church have disregarded, rubbished and closed doors for prophets, we are people tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine because of the weak foundation only built by apostles without prophets.
Eph 4:14: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive
The ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing lie to you that you do not need prophets today. Why?
See ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing lie to you that you do not need prophets
- Without a God chosen prophet leading and giving you direction, you will get lost in the world (wilderness), the world will entangle you and you will perish.
- Without a prophet you are walking blindly heading to a ditch.
- Without a prophet you have lost direction heading to hell not heaven.
- You cannot make it through the world (wilderness) to heaven (Promised Land) without a prophet as the children of Israel could not without Prophet Moses.
- You cannot make it to heaven blindly