Kenya Deputy President William Ruto has been branded a thief, corrupt, etc. Kenyatta Moi and Odinga have led the onslaught of William Ruto with ignorant slaves joining. Why do they call William Ruto a thief?
Before President Uhuru Kenyatta did away with his Deputy President and started an all-out war against William Ruto, God revealed. See prophecy of President Uhuru Kenyatta doing away with his Deputy William Ruto
It saddened me when God told me that many do not understand His Word through His Servant, neither do they go to Him for wisdom and understanding. Thus, He instructed me to decode some of His words.
Before you proceed, see;
- Revelation of Kenya a country owned by one man and all Kenyans slaves of this man
- Kenyatta the one man who owns Kenya
Why They Call William Ruto A Thief (Kenyatta Moi Odinga vs Ruto)
In revealing the war between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto as God revealed, I said,
‘The ridge between President Uhuru Kenyatta, his government and all on his side versus William Ruto has nothing to do with politics neither corruption nor anything they fool Kenyans about’
See President Uhuru Kenyatta doing away with his deputy prophecy fulfillment
The all-out war, the onslaught of William Ruto by Kenyatta Moi and Odinga has nothing to do with Kenyans nor Kenya, but its fight for business, for the money – a selfish war.
Let me take you through the journey of Kenya since her independence;
Kenyatta the Man who Owns Kenya with His 2 High-Rated Servants; Moi and Odinga
When Kenya got independence, a brutal leader rose with unquenchable thirst for wealth and power. By his side were two servants; Moi and Odinga. See Kenyatta the man who owns Kenya
He made Kenya his personal property, his ‘kiosk’. Took all her wealth to himself aided by his 2 servants taking as much as they can too with impunity under his blessings. And all Kenyans were enslaved knowingly or unknowingly serving them.
They own everything in Kenya, from parastatals, major companies, businesses, exports and imports, tourism, agriculture, minerals, in every hook and nook of Kenya they rule own and dictate, beating the rebellious to submission.
Every legal and illegal business in Kenya, they are the gate keepers. Illegal businesses, e.g., gold scam (wash-wash), drug trade, poaching and dealings in wildlife trade, pyramid schemes, money laundering, corruption, etc.
In the gold scams, locally known as ‘wash-wash’, which recently God exposed to Kenyans, you saw them being the gate-keepers they are. As a scammer, its either you pay your dues to them or be beaten to submission.
Kenya drug barons are just their slaves, paying their homage and dues to them and if one rebels, they are beaten to submission or given out to US authorities. Many never understand this prophecy; prophecy of drug barons war in Kenya
When Kenya authorities and parastatals went to investigate money laundering, whom did they find and fled? Can a slave incriminate his master? Can a dog bite his master? Did Pandora papers not reveal a tiny piece of iceberg that Kenya authorities found and fled?
Are they not the gate keepers of corruption in Kenya by which Kenyans pay heftily for? Ordinary Kenyans are just slaves who get used in corruption deals and pay the price when things go wrong.
As long as they are all eating, getting their shares, all is quiet in Kenya. Wait until one of them is sidelined as others eat, all Kenya corruption, illegal businesses, etc, are exposed and when the one exposing gets his share, silence resumes. Example; every time Odinga is sidelined, government major corruption deals are exposed otherwise not.
And this is how Kenya has been owned run and ruled up to today. And the people who pay heavily for this are the ordinary Kenyans who think they are working hard to better themselves and the country Kenya but their lives in Kenya become more and more of a mess.
Reason Kenya has remained a third world nation, becoming more poorer as countries that were in the same place with Kenya in 1960s 70s 80s making great bounds in bettering themselves and the people.
The Rise of William Ruto
Then came another man – under Kenyatta Moi and Odinga he learned and grew. Under them, he learned all their ways and he started to grow tentacles.
When he became Kenya Deputy President, his breakout came, his tentacles become bigger longer deeper than the Kenyatta’s Moi’s and Odinga’s. In every sector, in every legal illegal business, in every hook and nook of Kenya, he overtook the Kenya owners.
This did not go unnoticed by Kenyatta, Moi and Odinga running fast to Kenyatta camp, and an onslaught, an all-out war against William Ruto ensued.
Not only did William Ruto grow his tentacles stronger longer and deeper in every Kenya sector and business, he wants to take the kiosk from Kenyatta Moi and Odinga. Remember no man becomes president, leads Kenyatta kiosk ‘Kenya’ without his blessings, but this man wants to take it without Kenyatta blessings and bowing down to him.
Not only did his tentacles grow longer stronger and deeper, he came out philanthropic, a word that exists not to Kenyatta Moi and Odinga, angering them the more, their hidden agenda to the church revealed as they came out to war the church in Kenya, a grievous mistake.
All this is the Mighty Hand of God at work
Sad part is when I see ignorant Kenyans taking camps, either Kenya Moi Odinga camp or Ruto camp, without knowing that these men are not fighting for them nor for the country Kenya but for selfish gain, as Kenyans get more enslaved, cost of living beyond their reach, groaning murmuring day and night as they suffer under these men.
(The Kenyatta Moi Odinga vs Ruto battle is currently on, therefore more is sealed)
Kenya is under deliverance
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