The law is good, when used for its main purpose; to reflect us to salvation as revealed in the purpose of the law. It must be used to get believers and the world out of self righteous legalism and justification, for them to realize that they need Jesus Christ. Righteousness is only found in Christ not in us human beings.
Many people are confused about the law and grace. The problem is that many men study only some parts of the Bible not the entire bible. Another reason is that people ignore passages that seem to teach them different from what they believe and have been taught. They may study certain passages that teach about grace and law but then ignore others. The result is confusion. The Bible does not contradict itself.
Some Christians take this freedom from the law to another level. They say that since they are not under the law, they have no law to obey and they can go on sinning. And they go on to quote verses from the bible. Let’s stop being half-baked in the word of God. Rom: 3:31: Do we then make void the law through faith? By no means! On the contrary we uphold the law.
If you truly walk in light you fulfill all the laws but if you walk in darkness, you break all laws. This is because the law is fulfilled in us by Jesus Christ not us struggling and trying to live by the law. The Holy Spirit leads and directs us daily in the light and truth. Walking in and with Christ is fulfilling all laws.
Christians are free from the law
Christians are free from the law as a system of salvation but we are under the ‘Christ law’ as a rule of life. Gal. 6:2 …and so fulfill the law of Christ. The two commands of Christ are;
- The lord our God, the lord is one; and you shall love the lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength
- You shall love you neighbor as yourself
This love is not a love you work to or try to, but this love comes from the Holy Spirit when He is dwelling in and upon you. More in the upcoming topic; Sin.
Religion, legalism, law, works, traditions, blind Christianity, denominations and groups of religion, and all sorts of doctrines that require responsibility will not and never make you enter the kingdom of heaven or be saved through or by them, or meet Christ through them. Many hide in churches, and they talk 24/7 about what they and their churches are doing. But if you ask them to talk about their relationship with Christ, you are amazed that they have nothing to say; they know Christ not.
Christianity is not the church or what you do. It is not about your responsibilities to Christ or to fellow man. True Christianity is about Christ, about having a relationship with Christ not a responsibility but responding. Salvation is for those who seek a relationship with Christ because they will see the kingdom of heaven.
Choose between church-iosity, religion-iosity, legalism or Jesus Christ. Who are you and which side are you? Ask yourself; does Jesus live in you?
Be blessed.