Whoever sends you must facilitate and provide for you. It’s the master’s responsibility to facilitate and provide for his servants not people’s (sheep) responsibility.
2 Peter 2:1-3 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
This teaching is a continuation from; it’s not your responsibility to provide for a preacher.
Whoever Sends You Must Facilitate and Provide for You
Wisdom in the world dictates that;
If a government sends her servants, it’s the government’s responsibility to facilitate and provide for her servants. E.g., if US government sends her servants to Japan, China, Europe or any other nation, it’s the responsibility of the US government to facilitate her servants wherever they are – it’s not the responsibility of the government they are send to.
If a company sends her workers to a field job, it’s the company’s responsibility to facilitate and take care of her workers in the field. It’s not the responsibility of the field to take care of the workers.
For many years I was a shepherd of goats and cows. The flock belonged to my father not me – my responsibility was shepherd them; take care of them, lead them where there is pasture and water, protect them, etc, never depending on them but depending on my father, the owner of the flock, who send me.
A good shepherd never depends on the sheep for anything but on whoever has send him/her – the owner of the flock. For those whom have come across Joshua and his ministry, you have realized that he never asks for anything from you neither sacrifices offerings tithes etc, nor does he has offering and giving time in his preaching – because him and the ministry fully depend on Jesus not the people.
When you are send to a farm by the owner to work in his/her farm, you do not farm eating the produces of the farm otherwise the owner will not pay you or else s/he will cast you in prison.
The earth is God’s vineyard. In this vineyard there are 3 types of servants busy working;
- Those send by the people – in the Scriptures they are called ‘scoffers’
- Those send by Satan – includes witches, magicians, diviners, fortunetellers, etc; they are referred to as ‘Satanists’. (Today this group has ‘so-called-churches’ – transforming to a form of light)
- Those send by Jesus Christ
One area that differentiates all these servants is in the area of provision. Just by the manner a servant is provided for, you can know whom his/her master is.
God throughout history and in the Bible, He has proven His ability to provide for His servants. Moses, Elijah, Elisha, all God prophets, David, Solomon, Jacob, Abraham, Apostles of Jesus, etc, they all solemnly depended on their Master Jesus, not on the people (the sheep).
Moses, though He led a multitude of the children of Israel from Egypt through out the wilderness, Moses never depended on the people but solemnly on Whoever send him i.e., Jesus.
When God send the children of Israel from Egypt to the wilderness, it was God’s responsibility to provide for them and He surely proved Himself – in the wilderness, they lived clothed and ate in a manner they never did in Egypt.
If God has send you, He will provide and facilitate you to accomplish what He has send you to do. You MUST solemnly depend on Him not on people neither on the world nor on any creation.
There are people busy working in God’s vineyard (pastors, evangelists, preachers, prophets, etc) called molded ordained send by the people. What’s the result? The people must provide for them.
It’s one reason in world religious institutions falsely called ‘churches’ we have a doctrine of ‘the church depending on the people’. The gospel of giving tithing offering and sacrifices is the key as they say ‘the pastor need to eat’, ‘the church needs to be taken care of’ etc, – all because both the preachers and the church aren’t in Christ for Jesus to provide for them.
Do not be fooled, they may preach claim and confess that God is the Provider, but when it comes to their provision, the pastor, the prophet, the apostle, etc, turn to the people. Why can’t they go to God the Provider they preach and send you to?
They are of the devil – to steal from you is their mission … and in their greed they will exploit you with false words (2 Peter 2:1-3). Reason when I taught the truth about tithing sacrifices and offerings, that we have no price to pay, the price was paid on the cross once and for all, they felt uncomfortable because the sheep is being delivering from their grip.
Satan is the ruler of this world – he has material worldly riches. Reason those send by him, the Satanists, some are very wealthy (some because it largely depends with the amount of human blood you sacrifice). One work of this worldly wealth is to buy ‘churches’ and many pastors and preachers have sold their sheep for the love of money.
If a government sends her servants to another country e.g., US sends her diplomats to China and when the diplomats go to China they receive handouts and provision from China government, those diplomats become ‘compromised’ – US government can no longer rely on them.
When God sends a servant on earth and that servant goes to the earth, receives from the world and the people, that servant becomes compromised before God – God can no longer use and rely on him/her.
Today you find that a person is employed/hired for a certain job or carry out a certain assignment with a salary from the employer but in the field/office, they start asking for bribes handouts to do what they are hired to do – this is corruption and bribery what is finishing Africa nations. Search people will never see heaven unless they repent and make their ways right.
In the field of preaching, corruption and bribery exists too – a servant is send to go give freely, preach freely, depending only on his/her master/employer, but they go to the field preach demanding bribes handouts from the sheep. This was the Balaam error (Jude 1) – preaching for profit, and all will perish like Balaam.
Thieves, wolves in sheep cloths are inside the church calling themselves preachers with all names and titles but stealing from you, exploiting you with false words, taking what God has given you. It’s not your responsibility to provide and facilitate preachers pastors etc – it’s the responsibility of whoever has send them.
The Devil comes to kill steal and destroy – do not let this people steal from you, exploit you with false words
And because of stealing from people, exploiting them with false words, curses eats them away, them and their families – reason many preachers live in curses them and their families but hiding with Bible and mentioning God.
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand