Who told you to join that church? – a fundamental question many people never ask themselves.
NB: Am using the word ‘church’ as used by the world. Spiritually, what the world calls the ‘church’ is a congregation of believers. A church is a person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. See the difference between church and the congregation of believers
Who Told You To Join That Church?
True Church is led by Jesus Christ – Christ is the head. True church belongs to Jesus Christ; humans in collaboration with Satan steal the church from Jesus, divide and name as Satan leads e.g., Paul’s church, Apollos Church, Peter’s church, etc.
Not every church, not every congregation of believers is of Jesus Christ, Satan has ‘churches’ too. Frankly speaking, most of ‘the churches’ you see in the world today, in every street city and village, are not under Jesus but under Satan
How then do we make sure that we join/attend a church, a congregation of believers under Jesus Christ? Only if we be led by the Holy Spirit.
Rom 14:8 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. A true Bride of Christ is not the person who walks by his/her thoughts, led by his/her friends, follows multitudes, led by media, voices of the world, etc, but a person who is Only led by the Holy Spirit.
The question is; in your walk, deeds, prayers, daily life, giving sacrificing and offering, donations, etc, are you led by the Holy Spirit? Did the Holy Spirit tell you to join that church? Did Jesus tell you to attend that church?
If a man walks blindly, will s/he not fall into a ditch? For we are all blind and our lead is ONLY the Holy Spirit otherwise we knowingly or unknowingly be under Satan, a camouflaged counterfeit Jesus (2 Cor 11:14).
In every congregation/church there is a dominant spirit in control – if not the Holy Spirit, it’s a Satan spirit; an evil spirit. It may be spirit of drunkenness, spirit of sexual immorality, spirit of thieves, spirit of divorce, spirit of lust, spirit of poverty, spirit of stagnation, spirit of hatred, etc.
Have you wondered why spirits of sexual immorality started tormenting you after attending a certain church? Have you wondered why in certain churches marriages are destroyed, divorce and separations the norm? Have you wondered why most people are drunkards in certain churches?
Because the moment you enter their doors, you become one spirit with them. If you enter the door of sexual immorality, you become one with the spirit of sexual immorality. If you enter the door of drunkenness, will you not start being drunk?
If a church is not under the Holy Spirit, it’s a den of evil spirits, joining/attending is accepting these spirits; they will torment afflict and steal from you. Then you start speaking evil upon Jesus Christ, you start blaspheming God, blaming the Church of Jesus Christ. The question is; Who told you to join/attend that church?
It’s better to sleep, spend time with family, in meditation and prayers, etc, than to go to a ‘church’ Jesus has not told you to join or attend.
I know the devil lies to you that attending ‘church’, joining a congregation of believers equals salvation – is this true? No! Salvation is a Person, Jesus Christ Himself. We do not attend/join a church to be saved (because even Satan and demons attend), but to grow up in all things in Jesus Christ (Eph 4).
Salvation is a personal intimate precious relationship that you only receive in secret between you and Jesus. Then Jesus leads you to His own, His own people, His own congregation, His own church, to grow and mature in Him. A church does not save, a congregation of believers does not save, altar calls are a religious salvation lie.
As you plan to attend a church, to join a church, as you walk to a church, ask yourself; ‘Who told me to join this church?’, ‘Who told me to attend this church?’. If not Jesus Christ, if not the Holy Spirit, repent.
John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me
Be led by the Holy Spirit – walk in the Spirit of God
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand