A lot has been said about who is the Antichrist even people calling others Antichrist. There is the spirit of Antichrist but there is also the man ‘Antichrist’.
It is only the bible which gives us clues on how to know who the Antichrist is. You have seen so many clues from the Book of Daniel and here are some of them.
The Antichrist from the Bible
- Comes from the New Resurrected Roman Empire; the European union, as seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel dream of four beasts. The Antichrist comes specifically, not from America, not from Africa, not from Muslim countries, not the Pope, not president Obama, but from the Ten Nations of the European Union. The European Union is the beast which carries the ‘Harlot’; the Roman Catholic Church. Antichrist is coming from this political and religious system (Rev 17).
- Comes as a peaceful leader: – Antichrist is coming under the false blanket of peace which every world leader is covering herself/himself with today. He will bring peace in Middle East by making nations of the Middle East including Israel sign a peace treaty which will be a snare to the Jews as seen in the last week of Daniel seventy weeks. Therefore the man who will make Israel sign a peace treaty with the Palestine and the entire Middle East is will be the Antichrist.
- The leader who people of the world will raise and say that is ‘the leader we want’ will be the Antichrist. Antichrist will be a prince of the people; therefore the world will love him. Realize that the world rejected ‘Messiah the prince’ (Jesus) for them to have ‘the prince of the people’ (Antichrist) as prophesied in the last week of Daniel 70 weeks.
- The leader who through a peace treaty commissions the re-build of the temple on the temple mount and re-states the old Jewish worship system will be the Antichrist.
- The leader who is shot within his first 3 1/2 years reign and his wound heals miraculously and this is aired all over the world and the whole world marvels is the Antichrist.
- The leader who stands on the re-build temple and proclaims to the world, ‘I am Christ’ is the Antichrist.
- The leader who will defile the re-build temple on the temple mount by sacrificing pigs and setting an image to be worshiped in the temple is the Antichrist. This is the ABOMINATION THAT MAKES THE TEMPLE DESOLATE.
- The leader who raises an apostate high priest in the Jerusalem inside the re-build temple is the Antichrist.
- The leader who makes sacrifices and oblations cease in the temple is the Antichrist.
- The man who puts a stop to the worship in the re-build temple is the Antichrist.