Where is your heart? Your heart is where your money and riches are, where your treasures are.
Mt 6:21 For where your treasure is, there is your heart
Where is Your Heart – It is Where Your Money and Riches are
Treasure is a thing a person holds precious or valuable. It includes money, riches, gold, valuables, etc.
God knows a human allure to money and riches thus He said,
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust do corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mt 6:19-21)
Because by laying up treasures in heaven, your heart is in God not on earth. Where your treasure is, where your money and riches are, there is your heart.
The question is; where is your heart, where are your treasures?
Many people claim that their hearts are in Jesus Christ but they lie to themselves. Your heart cannot be in Jesus Christ if you do not lay yourself treasures in Him – your heart cannot be where you have not invested.
See invest in God with your money and riches
If your money and riches are in banks, most likely there your heart will be. There are people always in fear, worry, cannot live in peace, have a sound sleep, etc, because of their bank accounts, because there is their hearts.
If your money is in a business, company, etc, most likely there will your heart be
It does not mean it’s wrong to have money in bank, riches and investments in business, etc, but it’s wrong for your heart to be in those earthly/worldly treasures.
A person can have money in banks but his/her heart is not there. You can have a multibillion business/investment on earth but your heart is not there.
A job or an employment is a way of Jesus Christ providing for you. But many people today see their jobs or employments as their source of provision thus their hearts are in the jobs/careers not in Jesus Christ hence worshiping a job, a career, etc, – a grievous mistake. Then suddenly the end comes, they become jobless, stagnation, etc, because they never saw the big picture.
Your relationship with money and riches shouts loud where your heart is. Today, people are busy seeking, worshiping, serving money instead of seeking worshiping and serving Jesus Christ. Let money and riches serve you, do not serve these thing and be content (contentment is great gain Tim 6).
God tests where a person’s heart is and many fail thus no breakthrough, promotion, blessings, etc, even others are demoted.
When God gave Abraham a son in his old age, the son became a treasure to him thus God tested Abraham’s heart. If Abraham could refuse to go sacrifice his son, it could mean Abraham’s heart was not in God.
Job’s trials were a test of his heart too – see even his wife told him to curse his God (Job 2:9). Many of your curse God when your treasures are touched because that’s where your hearts are.
God will always test where your heart is – the thing you hold most dearly to, He will test you through it. If you treasure is in money in the bank, property, business, etc, expect God to test you through them.
In God tests there is no skipping – He cannot bless, promote, increase, multiply you unless you pass His tests
In Jesus Christ, be ready to loose what you hold dear, to gain Him – be ready to loose what you treasure most to gain Him. This is what Jesus was referring to in this verse;
Lk 14:26 26 If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters— yes, even his own life— he cannot be My disciple
Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ said,
Philip 3:8 More than that, I count all things as loss compared to the surpassing excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
It’s until you lose what you treasure, have nothing to hold on to, that all your heart will go to Jesus Christ. It’s until all becomes rubbish unto you. Do not wait for God to take away what you treasure most for you to seek Him with all your heart, it will be painful – give Him all your heart now.
Things we treasure, hold on to dearly, not ready to loose, shut us from Jesus Christ. Many people’s hearts are never truly in Jesus Christ because they have never lost all for Him. Many have never truly gained Jesus Christ because they are holding unto things they should lose.
One problem with today’s church is their love of money and riches – it has shut them from gaining Jesus Christ
Do you know why people are stingy to God, cannot invest nor lay treasures in heaven? Because their hearts are in their earthly treasures not in God.
Satan knows where our hearts are and there it is where he troubles for he knows by troubling what you treasure most, he has your heart thus soul and attention.
If your heart is in money, all your troubles will be ‘money’
If your heart is in good health, all your troubles are ‘health’
But if your all your heart is in Jesus Christ and all has become rubbish to you, Satan has nothing to trouble your heart with thus you live peacefully with no worries.
Satan hates people who have lost all and gained Jesus Christ thus all their hearts are in Jesus Christ
Many people are facing afflictions, troubles, tribulations because their treasures are on earth thus their hearts are on earthly and worldly things.
Where is your heart?
Look at where your treasure is, what you treasure or value most. Ask yourself if you can lose all that treasure for Jesus (answer with your heart not mind). If you cannot, there is your heart – it is not in Jesus Christ
You will only seek Jesus Christ and found Him if you seek Him with all our heart
You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart (Jer 29:13)
If you heart is in business, a bank account, making money, world education, etc, and seeking Jesus Christ at the same time, you are not seeking Him with all your heart.
This is one reason people today seek and do not find – because they are not seeking Jesus with all their heart
You cannot seek Jesus Christ with all your heart and not find Him
Salvation is of the heart.
Prov 23:26 My son give Me your heart
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand