Satan has corrupted gospel music that people even the church cannot differentiate gospel music from all other types of music. Today, what is called gospel music is not.
Satan is a musician and in heaven he led worship before being cast down. He came on earth, corrupted gospel music diverting praise and worship from God to himself.
It’s a trap, a snare to the church and many have fallen worshiping Satan without their knowledge – because of ignorance.
For you to avoid this Satan trap, you must confidently know what gospel music is and what is not.
What is Gospel Music
The word gospel music comes from two words, ‘gospel’ and ‘music’.
We all know what music is but what is ‘gospel’, for music to be called ‘gospel music’?
What is the gospel?
As I said earlier in what the gospel is, Biblically gospel is not good news.
In the Bible, gospel is the WORD which was in the beginning. The Word who created everything, became flesh and dwelt among us.
John 1:1-4, 14: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us
The gospel, the Word is a person; Jesus Christ
Therefore what is gospel music?
Gospel music is music inspired by God through the Holy Spirit worshiping, praising and testifying about/of Jesus Christ.
When you sing about yourself, that is not gospel music.
When you sing about trees, buildings, cars, etc that is not gospel music.
When you sing love music to the person you love, that is not gospel music.
When you sing about money that is not gospel music.
Gospel music is only about Jesus Christ because He is the gospel – music that speaks only of Jesus Christ worshiping, praising and testifying Him.
In the kingdom of heaven there is a order.
The Son (Jesus) neither testifies about Himself nor does His Will but only testifies and does the Will of God the father.
John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him who send me
The Holy Spirit neither testifies nor does His Will but only testifies and does the Will of the Son; Jesus Christ.
John 15:26: But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He shall testify of me
Following this order; Humanity must not testify of themselves or do their Will but only testify and do the Will of the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.
John 15:27: And you also shall bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning
Witness of who? Jesus Christ
Reason if you sing about yourself, another person or another thing other than Jesus Christ that is not gospel.
Satan Snare Corrupting Gospel Music
There is another music which is not gospel which has crept in the church today. They call it contemporary music.
It is a type of music that neither worships, praises nor testifies Jesus Christ but carries motivation and inspirational messages. It is music which glorifies the creation not the creator. It tells humanity they can do/achieve all subtracting Jesus Christ.
Motivation and inspirational speaking is not gospel.
Today so-called gospel musicians sing about themselves, trees, the creation, motivation and inspiration, romance with God and fellow humans calling it gospel – a lie! These are wolves who have crept in the church in the name of gospel music.
Many Gospel TV’s, TV shows and gospel DJ’s claim to play gospel music but what they play is not gospel – Satan agenda to the church. Satan is blinding humanity musically.
What is sang in many churches today is not gospel music but music praising, worship and testifying of a person or other things and gods not Jesus Christ – Satan snare and agenda.
There are only two sources of music inspiration;
- God (Holy Spirit)
- Satan (Evil Spirits)
A musician spiritual side determines the type of music the musician sings and produces.
A Holy Spirit powered musician sings gospel music carrying power. An evil spirit powered musician cannot sing powerful gospel music even if s/he tries to. This also applies to every person.
If a musician is born again and connected to the Holy Spirit, the musician will sing only about Jesus Christ; music that worships, praises, magnifies and testifies Jesus Christ. He will never sing praising money, him/herself, flesh, sex, drugs, etc.
He may sing love to the one s/he loves but s/he will not sing love of money, fame, power, sex or any other worldly things.
If a musician is not born-again, s/he is under the influence and inspiration of Satan and that musician sings music that glories, worships and praises other things but not Jesus Christ. This includes music glorifying money, sex, drugs, animals, trees, evil or a person glorifying and singing about her/himself (becoming a God to yourself).
Any born-again person sings and listens to gospel music finding other types of music boring. A person not born-again finds gospel music boring. This is because the two spirits, Holy and Evil fight.
Music has power. The spirit in the music determines who you worship, praising and glorifying. See the power of music
Music will either make you worship praise and glorify Jesus Christ or praise and worship Satan/evil. It will make you became a god to yourself, make a graven image, be god or say Jesus Christ is God.
In Daniel 3 we see that music was key to causing people worship an idol. We also see that music was key to getting unclean spirits flee from Saul.
Music carries spirits by itself. Music is spiritual.
The music you choose to listen and sing to is stating whom you identify yourself with; either Jesus Christ or Satan. It states you allegiance.
God is concerned about the type of music you listen and sing to.
What type of music are you taking in?
You cannot take Satan music for long and stand without falling and worshiping him
Wake up
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand