What is a miracle? It is the extraordinary not the ordinary. Today Christians call the ordinary miracles, abusing and denying the extraordinary – the miracle.
A miracle is defined as a surprising and welcome event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency – the extraordinary.
Extraordinary means beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular or established
Ordinary means usual, normal, regularly and customary
Another word for a miracle is a wonder
What is a Miracle? – It is the Extraordinary Not the Ordinary
If God formed an army to take the children of Israel out of Egypt by war, that could not have been a miracle because it is ordinary. But God fighting pharaoh spiritually with neither army nor world weaponry and pharaoh letting the children of Israel go is extraordinary – a miracle.
If in the Red Sea God build a bridge for the children of Israel to cross that is ordinary – not a miracle. But God parting the waters of the sea and creating a way inside it is extra ordinary – a miracle.
If in the wilderness when the children of Israel wanted meat, God told them to slaughter animals they had, that is ordinary – not a miracle. But God changing the wind and quails left near their camp is extraordinary – a miracle
If when the children of Israel asked for water God led them to a river or a well, that is ordinary – not a miracle. But God telling Moses to strike a rock and water comes out from a rock is extraordinary – miracle.
If Jesus sent the blind to doctors to be healed, that could not have been a miracle. But anointing the blind man eyes with mud and telling him to go wash his face in the pool of Siloam and the blind man sees is extraordinary – a miracle.
If Jesus sent peter to work or beg to pay taxes they were asked for, that could not have being a miracle. But Jesus sending peter to fish, catching the first fish and opening its mouth he finds money as he was sent is extraordinary – a miracle.
If Jesus could send Peter to get money from fish’s mouth, why did He not make the disciples earthly billionaires? Prosperity gospel is a false gospel leading millions to hell. Jesus Christ (gospel) prosperity is not earthly but heavenly.
The Bible is full of the extra ordinaries (miracles) not ordinaries. God Will is to do the extraordinary (miracles), not the ordinary.
If you work hard you get money that is ordinary, not a miracle. When money comes to you extraordinarily – that is a miracle.
When you work hard you buy a house or a car that is ordinary not a miracle. But from nowhere a car or a house finds you that is extraordinary – a miracle.
When you’re sick and you get treated with medicine and you become well that is ordinary – not a miracle. But when you are sick, you pray and trust God for healing and you get healed without going to hospital or taking medicine that is a miracle – extraordinary.
If you have cancer and you are treated and you get well, that is ordinary – not a miracle. But when you get cancer and you pray and miraculously it disappears that is extraordinary – a miracle.
When a past menopause barren woman becomes pregnant that is extraordinary – a miracle but when a young woman gets pregnant that is ordinary – not a miracle.
When you look for a job you are qualified for with all qualifications and you get it, that is ordinary – not a miracle. But when you look for a job you are not qualified for and you get it that is extraordinary – a miracle.
Today Christians do not know what a miracle is and what is not. They call what is ordinary miracles denying and abusing the extraordinary – the true miracles.
Satan has blinded many.
Miracles are not happening because we have denied the extraordinary and accepted the ordinary; we have denied the miracles and accepted the ordinary. We do not believe in the extraordinary yet we claim God does what is impossible to men.
Look at what Christians today call miracle – you will pray for God to open there eyes.
They accept the ordinary, abusing and speaking against the extraordinary – Jesus Christ miracles.
If you testify the extraordinary, many become skeptical but when you testify the ordinary they accept smiling and clapping their hands. Brood of vipers, lost generation accepting the WORD but denying the power.
God is a God of the extraordinary (miracles) not the ordinary. The ordinary is not a miracle but the extraordinary is.
God’s WILL is to do the extraordinary to you and me. He is a God who does not do the ordinary. Why?
Because the extraordinary testify/speak/reveal Him. There is no other God who does miracles except Jesus Christ – ‘I AM’
If you let God lead you, He will lead you into the impossible path to do the extraordinary (miracles) in your life.
See that God led the children of Israel into the wilderness, not to give them a hard time but for Him to reveal Himself to them through miracles. He led them to the Red Sea for Him to do a miracle.
For God to do miracles in your life, it only takes listening and obedience. You must kill the ordinary human mentality and let God do the impossible; the extraordinary – the miracle.
When you keep running to the ordinary, God let’s you run and He never does a miracle to you. But if you stop going to the ordinary and let Him lead you to the impossible, He will surely do a miracle.
God wants you to testify of Him alone not of yourself, another person or thing – a god. Reason He waits until everything seems impossible to men. He waited until there was a smell from Lazarus tomb – humanity was sure Lazarus was completely dead and it was impossible to raise Him up.
If God helps you in the ordinary road, you will testify of your own efforts but if you follow God to the impossible, He will do the extraordinary which only Him alone can do thus you will only testify of Him.
God never leads us to the ordinary. He leads us to the impossible for Him to do miracles to us for us to testify of Him alone.
Reason the Bible says,
What is impossible with men is possible with God (Lk 18:27). He is a God of the impossible not the possible. He does not follow humanity ordinary ways.
God wants to do miracles to you. Obey His direction to the impossible; stand still in faith like Moses and the children of Israel in the Red sea (Ex 14) and see the salvation of the LORD which he will accomplish for you today.
Believe in the extraordinary. Believe in miracles. Believe in the impossible. Believe in Jesus Christ. And testify the miracles.
A miracle is the extraordinary not the ordinary
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