This is what I saw at the Throne of My God in the month of January 2017.
Isaiah 66:1 Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool
What I Saw at the Throne of My God
A man came to me on earth
How I found myself moving up in the skies I do not know
In heaven, I saw the man standing looking at me
And I heard a voice say, ‘Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ’
He then disappeared
I looked at where I was
The ground was of pure gold – soil like pure gold
The gold was alive
I saw a sea
The sea was like crystal pure glass (Rev 4:6)
The sea was alive
Then God the Father appeared to me
He allowed me to see His back
He had a very white pure garment flowing from His shoulders down covering His feet – a garment never seen on earth since its creation
His hair was pure like gold and white – a pure golden and white never seen on earth
God ‘I AM’ is not a man but more than a man
What took place at the Throne of My God is not for you to know but it is for you sake brethren
Pray for the Fear of the Lord to come in you
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand