This is the vision of Satan releasing demons and ghosts with demons mating with humans as revealed to me on 16th October 2013.
Satan knows God seasons and times and he knows that time is over. Satan is determined in these last minutes of End time to deceive and perish with many people.
Vision of Satan releasing demonic ghosts
I watched Satan releasing demonic ghosts into the world to trouble people.
Satan did this by demonically raising the dead and bringing them back to the world in spiritual form. This demonic ghosts visited many people causing a lot of destruction and trouble.
I saw one of the demonic ghosts haunt a family. The ghost appeared in form of a family relative who died and could be seen by the family members.
This demonic ghost troubled this family. It could scatter livestock, slaughter some, eat family’s food and even speak to the family members issuing demands and threats.
I remember battling with theses demonic ghosts after God revealed them to me. Severally, physically and spiritually, I have been involved in fights with demons. (I will testify this soon in my testimonies).
And I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying, ‘in this last days, Satan is about to release millions of demonic Ghosts to the world’. Watch out people.
If you see or hear of a dead person visiting, know that it is the demonic ghosts released by Satan. Pray!
Vision of Satan releasing demons to the world
At the same time I saw Satan release demons to the world. These demons were in form of birds, lizards, snakes, cockroaches etc.
I saw people killing these demons and they could not die because people did not know what rely they were.
Vision of Satan demons mating with humans
And I saw Satan releasing demons specifically to mate with humans. Through Satan servants who are the false prophets, preachers and teachers, the demons moved mating with people.
I saw a lady who needed a baby seeking spiritual intervention but falling into the hands of one of these Satan servants. The Satan servant prayed to this lady for a baby and in the process released a demon.
This Satan servant spiritually stood on the side to watch the demon move into the lady so happy with what s/he was achieving. I watched as the demon moved from the Satan servant to the lady.
Before the demon impregnated the lady, I interrupted and stopped the process. The Satan servant knew that it was I who stopped the process and s/he was mad with me.
Then the voice of the Holy Spirit told me that Satan is already achieving this through his servants. Many people are looking for babies but falling into the hands of Satan servants who are impregnating them demonically and giving birth to demonic babies.
As I write this, I know several Satan servants who are impregnating ladies in the name of praying to get a baby but what people do not know is that they are doing it satanically.
Today, these Satan servants are so many, marketing their baby giving businesses everywhere.
If you got prayed to get a baby by these Satan servants and you managed to give birth, the baby will grow but soon you will see the fruits and exactly what you gave birth to.
As I write this, there is a ward in Kenya Kenyatta hospital with women receiving treatment after being prayed to get babies by these Satan servants. After carrying a pregnancy for a whole term, no baby is found in the woman’s womb.
A nurse confined how they find air, ashes and many funny substances in these women wombs and the women have to be admitted for their wombs to be cleaned and healed.
Watch out people.
God bless you