This is the vision & prophecy of rigged Kenya 2013 presidential election as revealed to me on 9th July 2014 in the early morning hours.
Vision of how Kenya 2013 Presidential Election was Rigged
Red and orange t-shirts with Jubilee and Cord coalition’s writings were displayed before my eyes
I saw young men put on the t-shirts
It was imparted in me that those are the agents of the two political coalitions
Surprisingly, it was revealed to me that some of the young men wearing the Cord coalition agent’s t-shirts were not working for Cord but hired secretly working for Jubilee coalition
Majority of the hired agents in Cord’s t-shirts secretly working for Jubilee were dispersed to polling centers where Jubilee had numbers (many voters on their side)
Inside these polling stations were young men wearing red and orange t-shirts working as agents and no one could notice the hired agents
I saw some IEBC officials from the top management up to the polling stations hired secretly working for Jubilee coalition
The other IEBC officials could not notice them
Inside the polling stations, I saw the agents mingle with voters
At a point in one polling station I saw a ballot box full of ticked IEBC voting papers brought inside the polling station
I was wondering where the people got the valid IEBC voting papers
In areas where Cord coalition had numbers, there were IEBC officials hired secretly working for Jubilee coalition I saw officials meet in polling stations before announcing results
In the polling stations where Jubilee had numbers coped with the IEBC officials hired secretly working for Jubilee and the agents dressed in orange but secretly working for jubilee, I heard them decide to manipulate the numbers
Large imaginary numbers were added to the final votes tally in favor of Jubilee coalition and Cord coalition votes subtracted
The numbers added to the final votes tally in favor of Jubilee coalition where much more beyond the numbers subtracted from Cord coalition as I saw
In areas where there seemed to be a tie between Jubilee and cord, I saw IEBC officials hired secretly by Jubilee coalition manipulate the final tally by adding more imaginary numbers in favor of Jubilee coalition and subtracting from Cord coalition
In majority of the polling stations all over Kenya, the announced numbers of the final votes tally were far beyond the cast votes as I saw
And the final votes tally in majority of polling stations all over Kenya was beyond the registered voters as revealed to me
As the final votes tally from all areas came to the IEBC vote tallying center, I saw the numbers manipulated further
I saw the hired IEBC officials secretly working for Jubilee coalition manipulating the numbers in computers before them
I was shocked watching them adding imaginary numbers to the final votes tally in favor of Jubilee coalition before the final tally was projected to the public
Then God opened the 2013 Kenya voters register book and showed me the sum total of registered voters
He then showed me the sum total of votes cast and broadcasts by IEBC to the public
I was amazed
The sum total of votes broadcast and presented to the public by IEBC were far beyond the sum total of registered voters
Then I saw IEBC reveal to the public another voter register list; it was a book
The two books, the original voter register book and the new, were place before my eyes
I remember seeing the two books being different in color
God pointed to the new 2013 voter register book produced by IEBC and told me that it is not legit
Is it true that Kenya 2013 presidential elections numbers don’t add up?
Is it true that there are subtractions and additions in the final votes tally from polling stations?
Is it true that IEBC has two 2013 voter register books?
Then God revealed this to me
Prophecy of Rigged Kenya 2013 Presidential Election
God said, ‘I am going to use the rigging of 2013 presidential election against Kenyans’
I saw God reveal to Kenyans the rigging
I saw a senior IEBC official reveal to a media house the hidden secrets of 2013 presidential election rigging
I saw newspapers from the media house carry out the rigging exposure in their forefront pages, titles written in bold letters
I saw the IEBC official killed
Then I saw Mutula Kilonzo
I was told that he fought for truth and justice
Like Mutula Kilonzo, I was told that the senior IEBC official was killed for exposing the truth
I saw Cord leader making a speech after the exposure
I heard him say this words in his speech, ‘Ni saa ya kuokoa Kenya’ (It’s time to save Kenya)
I saw journalists asking him questions
Kenyans were stunned by the rigging exposure of the 2013 presidential election
Kenya, Hear the voice of God
Repent! Repent! Repent!