This is the vision of the so great a cloud of witnesses and their intercession for us on earth as revealed to me on 3rd February 2014.
Vision of the so great a cloud of witnesses and their intercession for us on earth
I was taken to the sea-line,
Great posts come from heaven and stood in the basement of the sea greatly shaking the sea waters,
As this was happening,
I saw a boat coming from the sea,
As it come near where I was standing,
Moses came out followed by Elijah and John the Baptist, and they stood with me,
The three were together in the boat,
As the three stood surrounding me,
The posts which had stood in the sea waters where growing, up and up until they touched the heaven,
Immediately an altar formed on top of the posts,
And a so great multitude of all Bible named servants of God stood on the altar,
They were all looking at me from heaven as I stood with Moses, Elijah and John the Baptist on earth,
All dressed in white; they were like a cloud,
On the fore-front of the altar,
I saw Apostle Paul, John of the Revelation, Apostle Peter, Elisha the prophet, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joel, as the Holy Spirit was revealing them to me,
Something powerful was happening on the altar,
As the entire multitude of all Bible named God servants (this so great a cloud of witnesses) stood on the altar facing me from heaven as I stood on earth with Moses, Elijah and John the Baptist,
I heard the great cloud of witnesses in one-unison, one voice, call my name ‘Joshua’ praying, interceding for me with a very great voice, for me to fight a good fight, finish the course and keep the faith.
The Holy Spirit made me understand that they are continually interceding for every child of light on earth and especially the God called servants who are now on earth.
As the great cloud of witnesses continued to intercede for me,
Moses held my hand and we got into the sea waters walking to the boat led by Elijah and John the Baptist,
We got into the boat and the sea waters became violent as we sailed,
Fear struck me,
But as I looked at Moses, Elijah and John the Baptist on the boat with me,
All standing like nothing is happening,
All fear flew away.
After seeing this vision of the so great a cloud of witnesses and them interceding for me, I was greatly strengthened both spiritually and physically. And for the gospel, I have no fear.
I now know clearly that,
The entire heaven and the so great a cloud of witnesses are all watching, focusing, interceding, calling me by name, for me to finish my course. there is nothing I cannot do on this earth and nothing can stop me.
To all God called servants I tell you this,
The entire heaven is focusing on you. The so great a cloud of witnesses is here with us, surrounding us, looking upon us and interceding for us. For the gospel, there is nothing you cannot do on this earth.
Stand strong, confidently, be bold and match forward; accomplish your course. Fear nothing fear no one. Nothing can stop you; neither Satan nor man nor animals nor death.
For those God called servants who have fallen away from their course, repent and come back to your course to finish the race.
The entire heaven from the throne is looking upon us all God called servants on this earth now, to witness Jesus Christ to the world, carry the great commission (Mk 16:15) and to finish our course.
All those in heaven, the great cloud of witnesses, have all finished their courses and won. For the gospel, they are looking upon us, all God called servants on earth now.
Heb 12:1-3: Therefore seeing we also are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, let you be wearied and faint in your souls.
At the end of your course, I want you to say like Paul,
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7)
God is with you and the entire heaven including the so great a cloud of witnesses is surrounding you and interceding for you.
Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature