This is the vision of the Antichrist and God’s message to His children as revealed to me on 14th march 2014.
Vision of the Antichrist
I saw Satan enter a man,
I saw the man working his way up to rule the world,
He persecuted a well known Israel leader who loves, fears the God and leads Israel in a Godly way,
For the gospel the Israel leader was persecuted,
The name of the Israel leader was written to me,
I was told to pronounce it but I could not get it correctly,
The Holy Spirit taught me,
I pronounced it several times until it got into my head up to today.
(I know the leader by his name but because he is alive, I will not name him)
After persecuting the Israel leader, his next target was me,
His main goal to also persecute me because of the gospel,
I looked at him and I saw Satan,
He said to me,
‘I know you, you have studied the Bible ’
He waged war to kill me,
But he could not even come near me,
After seeing that he could not kill me,
He started cursing my God and me.
God’s message to His children
Immediately I heard the voice of God telling me to tell His children these words,
‘If you have not studied End Time Prophecy, you will not understand what is happening’.
Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
God bless