This is the vision of the great tribulation period and Jesus Christ coming with Saints as revealed to me on 28th May 2014.
Vision of Great Tribulation period and Jesus coming with Saints
I saw many demons released to the world,
Released to attack humanity on earth,
Demons could change themselves taking different forms,
Snakes could change to humans,
Lizards could get wings and fly,
I saw many demons,
I saw them mingle with humans,
I saw them cause humans do unbelievable acts,
I saw the Antichrist causing fear to humanity,
Bringing famine, and showing many wonders,
I saw many people bowing down, worshipping and claiming allegiance to the Antichrist,
As many and many people worshipped him,
And as he continued to do many wonders,
I saw the sun darken,
Then the so white bright light of Jesus Christ shone from east,
I saw Jesus Christ in the skies with a large multitude of saints,
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand