This is vision of God flood on earth as revealed to me in the month of February 2017.
Vision of God Flood on Earth
I saw flood waters swiping over the earth as it was in Noah’s time but the waters were not of rain
And I heard a voice saying, ‘the end has come’
As the waters so high and huge like mountains moved on earth,
I saw people fleeing – running for their life but there was no place to hide
I saw evil beasts fleeing (there is a difference between evil beasts and wild beasts) but no place to hide
And my cry for the righteous, God heard
I saw an ark like a boat appear on top of the flood waters – the ark was floating on the flood waters
I watched as the righteous were miraculously picked before the flood waters and placed on the ark as flood waters swiped the earth in destruction and killing
The ark on top of the flood waters was moving in the opposite direction to the waters
(This is for those with God wisdom and understanding)
Jesus is Coming
God sin no more
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand