This is vision of Devil agents mass recruiting students in schools in name of ‘school gospel functions’ as revealed to me in the morning on 6th June 2016.
I heard the Spirit on 5th June 2016 say to me that majority of what people call gospel music, what they are singing and people celebrated as gospel musicians are not but devil agents singing another gospel.
Satan musicians have cropped into the gospel music scene singing another gospel not Jesus Christ. See what the gospel is and what gospel music is
Vision of Devil Agents Mass Recruiting Students in Schools
Today I heard a voice say unto me, ‘write what you see’
I saw devil agents calling themselves gospel preachers hold functions in schools – they include musicians, DJ’s, preachers, motivation speakers, celebrities, etc.
I saw them mass recruiting students into devil worship in these functions
I saw many students swearing allegiance unknowingly to devil worship
They were recruited to worship of the devil
These devil agents leading them to swearing allegiance to devil are hiding in the name of gospel but in reality they are vipers
Then I heard one of the devil agents brag how these schools cannot deny them holding functions in the schools
I heard them brag how they manipulate school administrations with their power that they cannot be denied the chance
At the same time they bragged how they manipulate the school administration that it closes doors to true Jesus Christ servants but open the doors to every Satan agent
Many students in schools are devil worshipers
They have been recruited unknowingly or knowingly
And many are still been recruited in the name of gospel functions, motivation speaking, etc
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent of the kingdom of heaven is at hand