This is vision of blood cross on moon and rapture as revealed to me in the morning of 19th October 2015.
Vision of Blood Cross on Moon and Rapture
A blood cross appeared on the surface of the moon
I said, ‘Jesus Christ Blood’
Humanity saw the moon and the blood cross clearly in the sky
I saw people disobeying gravity and rising up; raptured
To my surprise I was not rising up
I prayed, ‘God forgive me my sins’
I did not rise up
The Holy Spirit said to me, ‘that is not the way to pray’
He opened the Bible, this verse
…the blood of Jesus Christ His Son washes all our sins away (1 John 1:7)
Immediately I remembered it’s the blood of Jesus Christ which washes our sins away
I prayed, ‘Jesus Christ wash my sins away with your blood’
At that moment, my body become light and floated in the air rising
Looking down on earth I saw my family members left (my biological father’s family)
I interceded for them asking Jesus Christ to wash their sins away with His blood
Two rose up from earth while 3 remained
And the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying,
‘Remember Joshua what I told you in 2011’
I remembered myself in heaven not seeing any catholic in heaven after rapture
See I was in heaven – my testimony
I was then made to know that the two who rose in rapture had rebelled catholic secretly but the remaining 3 family members were hardcore Catholics
Reason why they did not rise up in rapture
God help my father’s family
Then I was given a date (It is sealed)
And the time is here
Jesus Christ is descending to the clouds
Rapture is very very soon
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
What do we learn here:
- At that moment of rapture if you know the season because Jesus Christ is not coming as a thief to the church, you can get into rapture if you know what to do at the right time. Like the robber on the cross with Jesus.
- Catholics will not enter rapture
- God gives me this visions and teachings, for you to know Him and learn. I am kept on earth only for this purpose. When Jesus appeared to me 2011, He could have taken me to heaven, but for the sake of others, I have to be on this earth.