This is vision of a church against Bible End Time prophecy (Jesus Christ Revelation) as revealed to me in the morning of 9th May 2016
Vision of a Church Against End Time Prophecy (Jesus Christ Revelation)
I saw people in Nairobi Kenya with a building called the church
They were a picture of ordinary world churches with praise and worship, hype, show-off, boast, clothed well attending the building called a church, etc
The Spirit of God entered the building as they assembled and asked the people,
‘Do you want to know the future (Be taught End Time Prophecy)?’
With one accord they all cried out, ‘No’
I saw the Servant of God (Spirit) leave the so-called church
He walked in the streets with no food, nowhere to sleep with no one ministering unto Him seeking people to accept Him
I saw people with worldly riches, with big houses, a lot of food but they could not even give Him a little to eat and a place to sleep
I saw them with farms, with mangoes and other fruits but the Servant of God who was very hungry could not be given one fruit to eat
I saw the worldly richness in Nairobi, wealthy people calling themselves bride of Christ but no person ministered to the Servant of God (Mt 25:34-46)
Then I saw the so-called church people who denied the Servant of God build another big beautified building called the church
I saw these people praise and boast of how their church is big and beautiful for weddings and other functions as it is with worldly churches today
They had riches, money to build big beautified buildings called churches but they had nothing for the Servant of God who had no place to sleep, no food to eat
The message is very clear
Many so-called churches want nothing to do with Bible End Time Prophecy
They do not want to hear of the future as prophesied in the Bible
They do not know that denying Bible End Time Prophecy is dying Jesus Christ because prophecy is the Revelation of Jesus Christ
See that the entire Book of Revelation is a prophecy – a revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:1)
They do not want to hear Jesus Christ Revelations; they do not want to hear Jesus Christ
What they want to hear is prosperity, blessings, motivation and inspiration speaking. See prosperity false gospel is leading millions to hell
And Jesus departs from them
Instead they are busy building beautiful buildings in the name of churches
Woe unto you. The Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands (Acts 7:48)
That building you call church is not a church but an idol reason I call them, ‘so-called churches’ because the world people call them churches but heaven does not call them so
You have riches and money to build big beautified buildings in the name of a church (idol) but you cannot minister to Jesus Christ who has no food to eat nor a place to sleep
Then you glorify to humans how you have a beautiful building called a church, how you are serving Jesus – blindness
You are busy in worldly church functions; meetings, weddings, conferences, etc wanting nothing to do with Jesus Christ
You have sunk deep in dead religion
Reason your so-called churches lack the power of the Holy Spirit; no miracles and wonders. See the kingdom of God is not in word but in power
Woe unto you for you are all perishing
You have denied Jesus Christ
You are blind and perishing
Woe unto you
Change your heart and ways
Who has an ear, hear what Jesus Christ says
And I mourned for all these people heading to hell claiming to serve Christ but in reality they have denied Him to serve Idols
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand
Nairobi Kenya – Jesus Christ is among you wanting to reveal Himself to you but you have denied Him
He has departed to His place and His waiting for you to see
For how long will He wait?