United States of America (USA) – prepare for war. Open your ears, hear what the LORD says,
United States of America (USA) – Prepare for War
‘Take your weapons
Get into the fields, in the skies and in the waters
Prepare prepare prepare
Get your army personnel out
Your entire weaponry out
Prepare USA Prepare
I am giving you out for war
A war you will not stand
Your enemies are coming after you
I have made them and allowed them to
They will end your pride
They will humble you
I made you
I shaped you
Your roots are in Me
But you have rebelled
You do not fear me
The evil one has ruled you
You make money with my Name
You fear me not
I will let your enemies tremble you
From north to east
They will happily do it
I will make Europe watch your down fall
They will watch as your enemies tremble you
Africa cannot help you
Neither are your friends
I LORD only can help you
But you have denied me
You have dirtied yourself
You are filthy in My Fathers eyes
I will humble you
I will kill your pride
I will destroy the vipers in My Church
For they are lying and leading many to hell
I did not call them neither do I know them
You will remember your beginnings USA
Your first love
The person who made you USA – I the LORD
Hear my voice United States of America
Your enemies are ready to come after you
Look at them practicing to carry My assignment
Look at them in the skies, fields and waters
Yes! They are ready
They are coming after you
Repent Repent America
Repent that I may take this cup of wrath away from you
But will you truly repent? No!
You are proud and hardhearted
I will humble you
The God of Abraham
A Jealous God
You are mine
And I will get you and make you mine again
This is not the first time I have spoken to you – Me bringing war to you
Through Joshua My servant and many I have spoken
I do nothing without revealing My secrets to My servants
Repent Repent Repent USA
Jesus is Coming
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand