True salvation has the character and the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. When you truly have Jesus Christ in you, when you are truly saved, the character and the lifestyle of Jesus will be in you, radiating out of you, and others will indeed testify you have Jesus Christ.
A salvation without the character and the lifestyle of Jesus Christ is a lie – it’s religion.
True Salvation Has The Character and The Lifestyle of Jesus Christ
The character of Christ is the Persona of Jesus Christ. This character is the Holy Spirit thus when the Holy Spirit is truly in you, dwelling in you, you will manifest the character of Christ in you, to others and to the world.
Therefore, you become the light of the world, the world sees the light and testifies that indeed you have Jesus Christ.
The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) clearly reveal the character and the lifestyle of Jesus. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ commanded us to imitate Jesus – let Jesus Christ be your role model
In His heart, there was no hatred – Jesus hated/hates no one. In His heart is love and He is the Love Himself.
Love dictates salvation not judgement. Jesus judged not but all those who came to Him were forgiven and saw salvation. Even the woman caught in adultery, she experienced love forgiveness and salvation; the Character of Christ Jesus.
Jesus never went around abusing and fighting those not accepting Him nor what He was saying. In His days when on earth, the magicians witches sorcerers etc were there but Jesus never went to confront and fight them. Instead, it’s them who came to confront Jesus, for Satan is confrontational.
Though Jesus is the creator of everything and He owns everything created, He lived a life of no show-off neither bragging. Satan is the one who came to show-off and brag to Jesus.
He loved being in the Secret, hiding from the public to be in Secret. Remember our God is in Secret (Mt 6).
Prayer was His lifestyle, not only praying for Himself but for others.
Charitable deeds and doing good to everyone was his character. He fed all even the Pharisees who fought Him knowing they will crucify Him.
He had no enemies – human beings were not Jesus enemies but Satan is.
No matter how much I go on revealing the character and the lifestyle of Christ Jesus, I cannot give you all. Go to the gospels, study them seeking the character and the lifestyle of Christ, then entire Bible will expound.
The question is; You profess Jesus Christ, you profess you are saved, but do you have the character and the lifestyle of Jesus Christ? Do the people you interact with every day experience the character and the lifestyle of Christ Jesus in/through you?
The best way to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is not by mouth, standing on pulpit, posting in social media, etc, but by your character and lifestyle. If your character and lifestyle is that of Christ Jesus, it will draw more people truly to Jesus Christ than your mouth will ever do and the opposite is true.
The Core of Salvation is not tithing, sacrificing, offering, attending ‘church’, professing Christ, professing ‘am saved’, blessings, preaching, etc, but its having and radiating the Character and the lifestyle of Christ Jesus to everyone, to the world and to all God’s creation.
The pandemic in today Christianity is that many people are professing Christ Jesus, professing salvation, but their character and lifestyle is opposite that of Christ Jesus.
Love is a foreign term; hatred fills their hearts. Forgiveness is a word they only read in the Bible. They are troublemakers not peacemakers going about causing wars arguments confrontations with everyone not accepting them, their believes and words.
Bragging and showing-off is their lifestyle. Their prayers, if any is for God to judge others, going around judging/damning others. Their speech is full of hate filthiness and cursing. Pride rules them and they are fast to do what is evil not the good.
Can a vine produce a lemon? Can a man eat beans and excrete/puke meat? For indeed a tree always produces fruits in accordance to its nature. Then why do you/they profess Jesus Christ, profess salvation but their character and lifestyles are opposite that of Christ Jesus?
Because they have rejected Jesus Christ – Christ is in their mouths but not in their life. And this is what is called religion.
Religion professes what it cannot practice. Religious people profess what they cannot practice.
Religion is about professing Jesus Christ, professing ‘am saved’, etc, but their character and lifestyle is opposite that of Jesus Christ.
Religious people will quote the Bible but they cannot live by it; their character and life are opposite what the Bible teaches. They can prophecy, speak it tongues, tithe, offer, sacrifice, profess godliness, etc, but their lives are opposite that of Christ Jesus, contrary to Bible principles.
How do you know a person is religious/a hypocrite? They profess/speak what is not seeing in their life, they profess what they do not practice, they speak that which they do not do/live – they are liars.
Whom are you deceiving? Do you think you are deceiving God, deceiving Joshua, deceiving others? No! You are deceiving yourself.
Look at some of the world nations that profess Christianity. Kenya Nigeria Cameroon South Africa etc, lands of thieves. USA – hatred is finishing the States. Brazil, Argentina, Haiti, Uganda, Congo, Malawi, Ghana, Barbados, Zimbabwe, Bahamas, etc, – what’s the main problem of these nations? Hypocrisy – people in that nation professing Jesus Christ but not having His Character and Lifestyle.
Does it mean we truly of Jesus Christ are perfect and sin not? No! we are imperfect and sinners but we have a character only found in God; REPENTANCE. Repenting is our character and lifestyle.
Only a person truly in Jesus can ask for forgiveness from a fellow human and kneel down to God acknowledged and confess his/her sins and ask for forgiveness, and pursue to walk righteously. Pride is an integral character of Satan that makes a man not ask for forgiveness/repent.
Do you profess Christ Jesus but your character and lifestyle is opposite that of Jesus Christ?
Do you profess ‘I am saved’ but your character and lifestyle is opposite Salvation Himself, Jesus Christ?
Do you quote Bible verses but your ways of life are opposite what the Bible teaches?
It’s time you stop being religious, a hypocrite, a lie, and come to Christ Jesus.
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand