True believe produces faith and faith produces obedience. Obedience is a fruit of great Faith, true believe being its roots.
John 14:23 Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey My teaching. My Father will love them, and We will come to them and make our home with them’
True Believe Produces Faith and Faith Produces Obedience
There are 2 types of believe;
- Believe without faith and
- Believe with faith
A person can believe but not have faith reason you hear people say, ‘I believe but do not have faith in him/her’.
You can believe in Jesus Christ but not have faith in Him – the believe with Satan and demons
James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe
True believe is believe that produces faith, thus if you truly believe, you will have faith.
There are 3 levels of faith;
- Faithless (no faith)
- Little faith (doubters & lukewarm)
- Great faith
It is only great faith that produces obedience, the root of that great faith being true believe.
Satan, demons and the world believe in God but they have no faith in Him (faithless) thus they cannot obey – only disobedience and rebellious
It is very difficult for doubters (lukewarm) to obey Jesus Christ – they are only disobedient and rebellious because little faith is no faith at all reason it is written
Rev 3:16: so, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth
Salvation is only by grace through faith – this faith is great faith that produces obedience reason both the faithless and of little faith cannot inherit heaven.
Faith is tested by obedience – obedience is the test of faith
What God was testing all through in the children of Israel was their obedience thus their faith and believe in Him. Every time they disobeyed and rebelled, there was death.
Disobedience and rebellion is death – perishing. It’s for this reason that both the faithless and doubter all perish (go to hell).
There is no salvation in disobedience and rebellion for that is lack of faith and believe in Jesus Christ.
When Abraham was tested by God, his obedience proved his faith in God, thus his believe reason it is written,
Gen 15:6 Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness
Abraham obeyed God without questions. Great faith is obeying God without questions – its fully being persuaded that whatsoever God tells you to do is the best for you for He is God reason about Abraham it is written,
Rom 4:21-22 being fully persuaded that God was able to do what He had promised. That is why ‘it was credited to him as righteousness’
Righteousness is not about our works, trying to proof ourselves to God but it’s all about obedience, for it is only obedience that proves your faith thus your believe, for righteousness is a robe of Jesus Christ and He only clothes those with great faith – the obedient.
God rewards obedience not sacrifice for obedience proves your faith and believe in Him. Everyone can sacrifice but not everyone can obey.
The problem today is disobedience and rebellion
The problem today is not that people do not know Jesus Christ – the problem is their disobedience and rebellion to Him
It’s not that people do not know what is good and bad before the eyes of the Lord – the problem is their disobedience
It’s not that people do not know the commands and statutes of God – the problem is their disobedience
It’s not that people do not know abominations, accursed things, what is sin, etc – the problem is their disobedience
It’s not that people do not know the Bible, what it says, etc – the problem is disobedience and rebellion
A person can quote Bible verses but not be obedient to the same bible s/he is quoting – same manner Satan and demons do (see Jesus temptation)
A person can tell you about Jesus Christ even preach Him but be disobedient and rebellious to Him
Over 99% of today people calling themselves Christians, Bride of Christ, are disobedient and rebellious reason I saw less than 100 people in Kenya making it in rapture, less than a 1000 in USA, as written
But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it (Mt 7:14). See few get to heaven
It’s not about how much you know the Bible, how much you know Jesus, how much you tithe and give, how much you preach, how much you fast, etc, but it’s all about first obeying the little Truth you know, then God sees your obedience and reveals directs you the more for He knows you will obey.
Why is it that the Holy Spirit does not teach us all and lead us to all truth (John 16:13)? Because the little Truth we know and the little He teaches us, we do not obey.
Obedience is seen in the same manner you see a fruit of a tree for obedience is the fruit of faith, whose roots is true believe.
From how a person cloths the temple of the Holy Spirit (the body), to what comes from him/her, to their lifestyle – these things shout loud of your obedience or disobedience and rebellion thus your faith and believe in Jesus Christ
Not only do they shout about your obedience faith and believe but also your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
A person can shout how close s/he is to Jesus Christ but his/her temple (the body), what comes from him/her and his/her lifestyle be shouting contrary – his/her tongue is lying.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James 1:22)
See the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and a temple in whom Jesus Christ dwells is holy inside and outside
First obey the little you know and God will see your obedience and reveal direct you the more – He will trust in you, for he knows you will obey.
The Holy Spirit only dwells in the obedient (John 14:23) thus baptism with the Holy Spirit is only for the obedient not the disobedient and rebellious
99.9 percentage of those claiming to have Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, baptized with the Holy Spirit, they do not have Them because of disobedience and rebellion.
If you truly believe, you will obey
If you truly believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, you will have faith in Him thus take everything He says as True and obey without questions truly believing He has the best for you
Salvation is only by grace through faith and that faith is great faith tested in obedience thus your obedience proves your faith in Jesus Christ
Faith without obedience is not faith at all
People do not perish because they do not believe but because they are disobedient and rebellious
Choose obedience
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand