This is Jesus Christ message to His bride eagerly awaiting His coming in rapture as I received on 18th January 2015.
To the Bride Of Christ Eagerly Awaiting His Coming, Jesus Christ says
I saw people eagerly awaiting the coming of Jesus Christ in rapture
They were doing whatever it takes to be righteous holy and ready for rapture
Then Jesus Christ gave me this message for His bride eagerly awaiting for His coming in rapture
Jesus Christ says,
As you continue in your rebellion, sin, hypocrisy, idolatry, hate with no love, etc, saying that every person is committing the same sins and evil as you are, I am sorry to tell you that not every person is committing the same sins as you are and not every person is evil.
There is a pure bride of Christ in the midst of this evil generation ready for the rapture of Christ and Jesus Christ has assured them that He is coming, He will not fail them.
Unless you repent you will perish
I testify to all these things and all His words because they are True and He is True
Arise brethren
Repent Repent Repent
Jesus Christ is Coming
Rapture is at hand
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand