There is time to pray and time to run physically to Jesus Christ. Though prayer is important, meeting Jesus Christ is the goal.
There is Time to Pray and Time to Run Physically to Jesus
When Moses saw the bush burning and not consumed, he turned to see the great sight. Bible clearly states that when LORD saw Moses turned to look, it is when He called him (Ex 3).
If Moses instead of turning to look at the burning bush walked away, closed his eyes praying, persecuted and abused the burning bush, ran for water to extinguish it, or ran to call his relatives and friends, he could have missed God and his call.
When God is standing before you, it’s not time to close eyes and pray, praise and worship, call your friends and relatives, take pictures to post in Social Media, etc but you turn, look at Him and listen to Him.
When the Centurion heard that Jesus was in Capernaum, he run to Him for his servant was home paralyzed and dreadfully tormented. Jesus spoke a word and the centurion servant was healed (Mt 8:5-13).
Do you think the Centurion was not praying for the healing of his servant? He was praying and because of his prayer Jesus was in Capernaum where he could meet Him and it was time to run physically to Jesus for his servant healing.
When the woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years heard of Jesus, having suffered a lot from physicians (doctors) and lost all, she run to touch His garment and scripture testifies she was healed (Lk 8:43-48).
If the woman said to herself, ‘I will stay here at home and continue praying and Jesus will heal me here I am’ will she have been healed and be part of Jesus gospel testimony in the Bible? No!
This woman did not listen to the negatives the Pharisees and hypocrites were speaking about Jesus but run to Him knowing by touching His garment she will be healed. She knew since Jesus was physically in her village, it was not time to pray or listen to what people say about Jesus but it was time to run physically to Him for her healing.
The Bible testifies that when people heard that Jesus was in their villages, they brought all people afflicted, tormented, with all kinds of diseases and sickness to Him and He healed them all (Mt 4:23-34, 15:30, Lk 4:40). Yes! When they heard Jesus was in their villages, it was not time to close doors and spend hours in fasting and prayer but it was time to run to Him physically for healing, deliverance and salvation.
Every person who goes to Jesus Christ physically is healed no matter the kind of disease and sickness. Every afflicted and tormented person who goes to Jesus Christ physically is delivered. You cannot go physically to Jesus Christ with disease, sickness, affliction, torment, curse, etc and come from Him the same way unless you deny Him like the Pharisees (religious) who followed Him in every gathering to hear Him speak to persecute Him.
See the 3 major categories of people in a gathering
To the religious like the Pharisees, prayer, fasting, offering and sacrifices, tithing, etc have bound them hindering them from meeting Jesus Christ physically. And because of this, you see them in curses, dying because of diseases and sicknesses, in poverty, in addictions, bondages but praying and praying, fasting and fasting, tithing and tithing, etc.
When Jesus was in the streets of Israel preaching, healing the sick, delivering and saving people, the Pharisees were in their temples praying, fasting, collecting tithes, offering, sacrificing, going on with their religious ways and persecuting Jesus – were they healed delivered and saved? No! But Jesus healed and saved every other person who came to Him physically.
Even when the LORD was on the cross, the Pharisees were in their temples praying. Who is the ‘god’ they were praying when the True Living God was there with them on the cross? Religion is an enmity to Christ Jesus.
When Jesus Christ is physically close or nearby you, instead of praying run to Him physically and present your requests and supplications. Reason the thief on the cross was saved for the Creator was there physically with Him and He could ask whatever he wanted not like the Pharisees busy with their religious ways, in their temples praying and fasting instead of running physically to Jesus.
It is one thing to pray and another to rise and physically run to Jesus Christ – there is time to pray and time to run physically to Jesus Christ. Remember the goal of prayer is you to meet Jesus Christ – have an encounter with Him.
Where is Jesus Christ physically Today for you to Run meet Him?
Jesus was physically in Israel over 200 years ago. Where is He today physically?
When Jesus ascended, He gave His power to the called and chosen for the gospel, first the prophets, second apostles, third teachers, etc (1 Cor 12, Eph 4).
This Power is the anointing upon not in anointing. Anointing upon is for service, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and it is the anointing or power through which signs miracles and wonders are seeing. That anointing is Jesus Christ Himself. It is the anointing that can kill and resurrect. See the 2 types of anointing.
Since Jesus dead on the cross, there is no True servant of Him not followed by signs miracles and wonders because the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. See signs miracles and wonders follow Jesus Christ servants
In the name of Jesus through His servants you see all kinds of diseases and sicknesses healed, you see crippled walk, tormented set free, afflicted delivered and demons cast out – these are they, the servants of Jesus Christ.
It is in the Name of Jesus Christ not by giving you soaps to apply or bath with, bathing you with blood, telling you to bring a white chicken candles and funny things, telling you to eat funny things even snakes – those are the ways of witches and spiritualists; the priesthood of darkness.
In the Kingdom of heaven it is in by the Name of Jesus Christ and laying of hands (Period). Though if you are no physically present with the anointed servant of Jesus Christ, he can say a word or send you an object like a handkerchief which is your contact point to Jesus Christ power.
When you see an anointed Jesus Christ servant, it is either you see the anointing which is Jesus Christ or the person (the human being). Pharisees, the religious never get healed, delivered and set free for instead of seeing the Power they see the person – instead of seeing the Power the saw Jesus a flesh.
If what you see is the person, you will persecute and abuse him – remember do not touch My anointed. If you see the Power, that power will heal deliver bless and save you. If God’s power is not for you, that power will work against you.
When you see Joshua, it is either you will see Jesus Christ who will be heal deliver and save you or see Joshua the flesh thus persecute abuse gossip and slander him.
No person is perfect. No servant of Jesus Christ was and is perfect. Jesus alone is the perfect One. When you see a servant of Jesus Christ anointed, go for the anointing not the person.
When Jesus Christ is standing physically before you or nearby waiting for you to come to Him to heal deliver and save you, it is not the time to pray, fast, offer, sacrifice, tithe, call your friends, etc but it’s time to physically run to Him, look at Him and listen to Him.
Today these things have bound people and hindered them from meeting Jesus Christ physically. When Jesus Christ is waiting to heal deliver bless and save them, they say, ‘let me bring a tithe first’, ‘let me go first to pray’, ‘let me fast first’ etc – they deny Jesus Christ.
They are very fast running to doctors, hospitals, guidance and counselling, witchdoctors, diviners and sign readers, spiritualists, etc but not to Jesus Christ. They are poor but instead of running to Jesus Christ, they run to loans, jobs, world education, etc which impoverish them more.
One day God asked me; why are people so fast running to doctors (hospitals) but not to Me? In front of doctors, another human being they take out all their cloths and be naked but they do not want to be naked to Me their Creator? These 2 questions pains my heart.
When will you run physically to Jesus Christ? When will you stop only professing Him with your lips but in your deeds denying Him? (Titus 1:16)
Prayer does not heal, it is Jesus Christ who heals – He is the Healer. Prayer does not deliver, it is Jesus Christ who delivers. Prayer does not save, it is Jesus Christ who saves. Prayer must lead you to meeting Jesus Christ who is to heal deliver and save you as He deals with your requests and supplications.
Reason you see people with diseases and sickness, pray and pray and die because the prayer has not led them to Jesus Christ for healing. They pray and pray for blessings but curses keep following them because the prayer does not lead them to Christ. They pray and pray and die because they never asked Jesus to open their eyes for them to see Him and run physically to Him.
These people pray and pray, fast and fast, tithe and tithe, yet when they see a servant of God followed by signs miracles and wonders they persecute. You are praying for healing yet persecuting the healer, will you be healed? No! Another reason people are dying praying and praying, fasting and fasting year in year out.
Pray now, ask Jesus Christ to open your eyes and tell you where He is for you to run physically to Him for your healing deliverance blessings and salvation.
Do not listen to hearsayers rumormongers and gossipers of the Jesus Christ power in His servants He is leading you to because that is Satan hindering your healing blessings deliverance and salvation. If you listen, that disease sickness affliction torment will kill you and those persecutors will bury, forget and continue living their life.
In a vision last year I saw certain people who claim to be ‘godly’ – immersed in prayer, praise and worship year in year out. Then LORD said unto as He looked at them, ‘these people deny coming to Me even when I have revealed to them where I Am Physically waiting for them’
Ask Jesus, where is your healing deliverance and salvation? Ask Him to reveal to you His anointed servant for you to meet Him (Jesus) physically for your healing deliverance and salvation – Pray!
In heaven Jesus will not ask you if you prayed but did you come to Me? You have been killed by cancer HIV/AIDS tumor etc, Jesus will not ask you if you prayed but did you come to Me I heal you? You knew that this and that servant were casting out demons, cancers healed, tumors healed, all kinds of diseases and sicknesses healed in My Name, did you go to them or you abused and persecuted?
Wake up. Remember a demon cannot cast out a demon. A demon cannot heal you. A demon cannot set you free. A demon cannot deliver you.
There is time to pray and time to run physically to Jesus
Run to Jesus Christ through His servants with power and you will be healed delivered blessed and saved
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for kingdom of heaven is at hand