The World is Not Fighting CoronaVirus
The world is not Fighting Coronavirus but engaged in sideshows and its effects as revealed on 8th April 2020. No one is fighting Covid-19.
God took me through New York, USA and this is how it was (New York represents the entire world States and Nation)
The World is Not Fighting CoronaVirus – a Revelation
As we walked in the apartments malls streets, the demon ‘Coronavirus’ was everywhere
New York, the Governor, the US government was busy fighting but it was not corona Virus they were fighting
They were engaged in sideshows and fighting the effects of it
Because of this, the demon ‘coronavirus’ was free unhindered multiplying itself in huge numbers everywhere in New York
I watched as infections and deaths went up and up
And I mourned because no one was seeing the demon to even fight it but all engaged in sideshows
New York represents entire world States and Nations
No one in the world is fighting CoronaVirus itself but all engaged in sideshows and its effects
Reason Corona virus is multiplying itself, infecting and killing many as it wants, free unhindered
As I said in, Coronavirus Will Kill No One of Jesus Christ under His Servant,
When plagues came to Egypt and pharaoh and his magicians wizards witchdoctors were defeated, pharaoh was wise to run back to Moses
And Jesus said, If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit (Mt 15:14)
Because of the blindness of world leaders and those pretending to be at the forefront fighting Coronavirus, so many are being infected and dying
Satan is very cunning – he makes humans not fight him but be engaged in sideshows and fighting one another as he destroys steals and kills them freely unhindered
And so he has done with this demon ‘coronavirus’ – he has made the entire world and its leaders be engaged in sideshows thus destroying and killing humanity freely unhindered
If world leaders will not run to Moses like Pharaoh did, if Jesus will not intervene, entire world will count the year 2020 as it never existed
Jesus is Coming
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Repent for the Kingdom of Jesus is at hand