The road you take from the cross determines salvation or damnation – determines whether you will go to heaven or hell.
Salvation starts at the cross. Grace and blood of Jesus Christ which washes our sins away starts at the cross
Remember salvation is only by grace through faith
Mt 7:13-14: Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way, which leads to life, and there are few who find it
The Road You Take From the Cross Determines Salvation or Damnation
The point at which you believe and confess Jesus Christ, who God raised from the dead is your is your personal savior is at the cross.
There are people who when they believe Jesus Christ, came on the cross, they immediately die – they are very few. This group of people go straight to heaven. Like the thief on the cross. Why?
Because on the cross you are justified – your past sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ and you are made righteous, as though you never sinned thus when you die at the cross, heaven you inherit.
But it’s very few people who die at the cross the second they believe and have faith in Jesus Christ. Many come to the cross, they believe in Jesus Christ and start a journey from the cross, through the world to the Promised Land heaven.
The road you take and how you walk it from the cross through the world determines your salvation or destruction. God speaks this loud through the first church – the children of Israel.
All the children of Israel came to Passover. Passover is the Cross.
From the Passover (cross) they started a journey from Egypt through the wilderness to the Promised Land. Egypt represents Satan place of dominion – a place of bondage and captivity. Wilderness represents the world. Promised Land represents heaven.
Though all the children of Israel come to the cross and out of Egypt to the wilderness, not all made it to the Promised Land.
Though many people come to the cross and start a journey through the world, not all make or will make it to heaven.
This is because in the world (wilderness) there are so many roads (ways) and it is up to you to choose the road to follow and walk in; either road to damnation (hell) or road to salvation
Though the children of Israel come to the cross and got into the wilderness, some chose the road of sexual immorality, others rebellion, others witchcraft, idolatry, gossiping and murmuring, complaining, etc. They all perished in the wilderness – they never saw the Promised Land.
And so it is with the church today.
Many have come to the cross but after the cross they have chosen ways not of Jesus Christ
They have chosen the road of sexual immorality, idolatry, gossiping and murmuring, complaining, rebellion, witchcraft, worry, lust, drunkardness, coveting, sorcery, hatred, jealously, selfishness, heresies, envy, murderers, evil and wickedness and they will all perish – they will never see the Promised Land heaven
There is nothing called once saved always saved – it is a lie. In heaven the angels are adding and subtracting names in the Book of Life.
In the wilderness (world) is where God reveals Himself in miracles signs and wonders. The children of Israel saws all the miracles signs and wonders but many perished.
You can see all miracles signs and wonders and Jesus do great things to you and through you but you perish – you go to hell.
Miracles signs and wonders do not qualify you for heaven. Whether they are happening to you or through you, this is not a qualification for heaven.
Heaven and everything in it trusts (have faith) and believes Jesus Christ 100%. Therefore if in the world you cannot trust (have faith) and believe Jesus 100%, you do not qualify to enter heaven. Heaven does not want another Satan in form of a human being – Satan did not have faith in God.
Jesus is the way and He has given us the way to walk in Him. If you do not take His way (road), trusting and believing Him 100%, you will not inherit heaven.
Jesus is the provider and bread of life (both spiritual and physical). He does not tell us to go in our own ways of provision. When you deny Jesus the provider and bread of life, you have denied His way and you cannot enter heaven.
Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. If you are worried, you have denied His way and you will perish.
Every person saving for tomorrow, working for tomorrow, living for tomorrow, securing tomorrow, insuring for tomorrow, etc is in a road not of Jesus Christ and end is destruction (Mt 6:25-34). A fool like the rich fool in the parable (Lk 12:13-21).
Jesus tells us that women must submit and respect their husbands but if you have chosen not to respect and submit to your husband, you have denied Jesus Christ way and chosen the wide way leading to destruction.
Jesus is the Way and He has revealed to us His enter way (road) which we should walk in – go to the scripture (Bible) and listen to the Holy Spirit, you will find the Way.
The moment you deny Jesus Christ way, you have chosen another way leading to destruction – you have chosen Satan’s way.
Many people who came to the cross will never make it to heaven. Many people calling themselves the church will perish. All because they have denied Jesus Christ way and chosen Satan ways.
Ways of the world are ways of Satan not Jesus Christ. You cannot be in the ways of the world and enter heaven.
Do not love the world and anything in it (John 2:15) means hate the world and anything in it. Opposite of love is hate.
To believe and trust (have faith) in Jesus Christ means to deny yourself and chose Him 100% – it means that you deny your ways and choose His ways. This is the first thing every person must do on the cross – deny yourself and walk in Christ (Mt 16:24).
You cannot walk in Jesus Christ if you have not denied yourself – you cannot walk in the Spirit if you have not denied yourself.
Because walking in Jesus Christ way is difficult – narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way, which leads to life (Mt 7:13-14). It involves hating the world, anything in it and its pleasures, suffering and persecutions – ask the 12 disciples of Jesus, Paul the apostle and any other person who truly chose Jesus Christ way.
The world (wilderness) is not a place to party and make merry. When the children of Israel partied and made merry in the wilderness, they were worshiping an idol (Exodus 32) and so is every person partying and making merry in the world.
If you will not totally deny yourself, you will choose your ways, human ways, world ways but not Jesus Christ way
Remember, narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it (Mt 7:13-14). This means;
- It is few who enter heaven. Therefore not every person on this earth claiming to be Bride of Christ or the church is a heaven heir – many are heading to hell.
- It is few who find the narrow gate and walk the difficult way.
- The road that leads to life is not as simple as it is presented today but difficult. Salvation costed Jesus so much pain and suffering beyond human measure on the cross – do not abuse it
A person in athletic is crowned only if s/he competes according to the rules
2Tim 2:5 if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.
You cannot take the ways of the world and of humans and enter heaven because that is not competing according to the rules set by Jesus Christ.
Repent from human ways and worldly ways
Hate the world and anything in it
Turn from the wide way and take the difficult way
You must deny yourself to truly trust (have faith) and believe Jesus Christ
You must truly deny yourself to walk the difficult way
Jesus is coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand