Which is the most accurate English Bible version? We have so many English Bible versions but which is the most accurate English Bible version?
You must see the Bible History and the translation road to English Bible version.
Why so many English Bible versions
The major reason for so many English Bible versions is for some religious groups and sects to push their doctrines, through twisting and eliminating some facts and truths from the Bible. This is done by religious group and sects translators.
The Bible writers were inspired by God and they wrote what God was saying and telling them; The word of God.
Translators are not writers and many were and are not inspired by God. Satan also inspires. Some translated the Bible intentionally not to convey the word of God the way it was originally written but for their own selfish reasons or devilish plan.
Many English Bible versions have twisted or removed the truth by;
- eliminating some verses
- eliminating some words
- wrongly punctuating
- wrong tense
- wrong replacement of words
- wrong plurality and singularity of words (And many more)
The first English Bible translators, John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, were much inspired by God and their work was perfect as reflected in the ‘King James Version’ which is a completion of their work.
Realize that God does not make a mistake; He is perfect, accurate and only human beings make mistakes.
Men using their worldly knowledge and wisdom criticized (which they do up to today) this perfect work of God and took the task to translate the Bible to reflect and suit their religious doctrines not to convey the word of God they way it was originally given.
Some examples of perversion and twisting in English Bible translation
Let me give you some examples of perversion and twisting in translation of Bible to English.
Example 1: Matthew 6
Look at the Lords prayer in Matthew 6.
Jesus concluded the prayer by saying,
‘…For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen’ Mt 6:13 (KJV)
Many English Bible versions have twisted this prayer by eliminating this last line, ‘For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen’.
This twisting and removing this line in some Bible versions was made by translators to make the Bible fit into their doctrine.
The removing of this line is made not to acknowledge the kingdom, power and glory to be God’s but other gods.
Look at some English Bible versions and you will not find this line.
Jesus did not teach that way and you cannot say that the people who translated the Bible and removed that line were inspired by God.
Example 2: Exodus 12:6
The Old Testament is a fore-shadow, prophecy and compliments the New Testament.
God said, ‘and ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening’ (KJV).
Look at the ‘it’ (highlighted).
Many English Bible versions have missed the point here. They have pluralized the ‘it’ referring to a single lamb to ‘their lambs’ or ‘lambs’.
‘It’ was a prophecy; prophecy of a single lamb.
God used a single ‘it’ referring to a single lamb who is also found in the New Testament who John the Baptist bore witness to saying, ‘…Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world’(john 1:29). This is the same single lamb which God referred to in exodus; The Lamb of God: Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is a single lamb not lambs.
The most accurate English Bible version
Only the King James Version (KJV) is the most accurate English Bible version and true word of God which is not altered by men through their worldly knowledge and wisdom or to fit into their doctrines.
Walk through the journey of Bible translation to understand Bible writing and translation. See Bible writing and translation
I strongly recommend this bible version.
King James Version was revised from its use of the old English style to the New Revised King James Version (NKJV).
If you cannot understand it, take another English bible version you can understand and use the King James Bible version as your reference point.
NB: in this site, Bible quotes are only from the New King James Bible Version or otherwise stated.
God bless