The main assignment of a prophet is not to prophecy. Today prophets work is only prophecy prophecy – be careful!
The Main Assignment of a Prophet (Not to Prophecy)
There are 4 prophetic realms;
- Prophecy of the scripture
- Spirit of prophecy
- Gift of prophecy and
- Office of prophet
I am speaking about a Prophet, a person in the office of Prophet, part of the 5-fold Jesus Christ ministry offices. The 5-fold are; Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher and Pastor (Eph 4)
A prophet has 2 main assignments;
- Preach Jesus Christ in Power
- Stand in the gap
1. Preach Jesus Christ in Power
We are in the Era of Jesus Christ, New Testament, New Covenant thus every servant of Jesus Christ must preach Jesus Christ in Power, accompanied by miracles signs and wonders, same as the Master Jesus.
Mk 16:19-20 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. See every servant of Jesus Christ is accompanied by miracles signs and wonders
As a servant in one of the 5-fold offices, your first assignment is to preach Jesus Christ in Power, accompanied by signs miracles and wonders. And this is the first assignment of a Jesus Christ prophet.
A prophet is a vessel for Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to the world in Power, witnessed by miracles signs and wonders.
Be careful with everyone claiming to preach Jesus Christ but no miracles signs and wonders accompanying him/her
2. Stand in the gap
Its the work of a prophet of Jesus Christ to stand in the gap for an individual people and the church.
Let’s learn this from prophets in the Bible;
- Noah
Noah was a prophet.
Noah came calling people to repent for the Lord was to destroy the world but they hearkened not – he was a fool before their eyes.
Noah was no just sent to prophesy about the destruction of the first world with water but to stand in the gap for those who harken to His message and to stand in the gap between the first world and the second world.
Sad, none hearkened to Noah, thus when God entered to judge, its only Noah and his family who crossed over from the first world to the second which we live today.
If only one person hearkened to Noah’s message, s/he could have crossed over with Noah for Noah was standing in the gap for those who will hearkened to the voice of the Lord.
When you hearkened to the voice of the Lord through a prophet, the prophet stands in the gap for your salvation, otherwise when God enters to judge, you perish in His wrath
- Abraham
Abraham was a prophet
When God entered to judged Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham stood in the gap for the salvation of Lot.
Lot was not delivered from God judgment because he was righteous but because of Abraham standing in the gap for him.
That’s an assignment of a prophet to stand in the gap for people salvation deliverance healing blessings etc.
- Moses
The deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt depended on Moses standing in the gap.
The winning of all Israel wars depended on Moses. In the Bible, we see at a time Moses was standing in the gap with his hands raised to the heavens as Israel armies fought and every time his hands went down, they were defeated so they send people to help keep his hands up.
Standing in the gap is a tough assignment
When plagues came to the children of Israel, it was Moses work to stand in the gap for God to lift up His anger and wrath or many children of Israel perish.
A prophet has authority to stand before God for Him to lift His anger and wrath from you, a people, nation or even the world.
Look at when God wanted to totally destroy the children of Israel and create others from rocks, it was Moses work to stand in the gap for them or else God destroy them completely.
When God says He wants to destroy, run to that prophet for him to stand in the gap for you. There are many people God has said are to die, some are already dead, and the rest all you need to do is run and you live.
Look carefully that Moses never stood in the gap for Amorites, Canaanites, Amalekites, etc, but only for the Children of Israel. A Jesus Christ prophet only stands in the gap for those in Christ Jesus.
- Jeremiah
Jeremiah came prophesying of Israel captivity. Not only was he prophesying but standing in the gap. How?
Many hearkened not to Jeremiah thus when the Babylonians came annihilated Israel, all were taken to captivity. But something interesting; those who hearkened to Jeremiah, were not taken to captivity by the Babylonians including Jeremiah. Why?
Because Jeremiah was not only prophesying but send to stand in the gap
Not only did Jeremiah stand in the gap for those who hearkened to the Lord, He stood in the gap for Israel return from captivity. We see God directing him to purchase a piece of land – it was standing in the gap for Israel return from captivity.
See that the false prophets who abused Jeremiah, when time for captivity came, they were neither taken to captivity nor left in Israel but were killed. That is the price paid by every person for standing against Jesus Christ through His prophets.
When it comes to the fulfillment of what a Jesus Christ prophet has prophesied and you have been a stumbling block to that prophet, you surely die at the fulfillment of the prophecy.
Let’s see this too with Elisha.
When Elisha prophesied, ‘tomorrow about this time a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria’ the man who stood against him died at the fulfillment of this prophecy.
There are many examples in the Bible of how all prophets stood in the gap – go through all prophets in the Bible and learn.
A prophet is the eye of the 5-fold ministry who points direction and stands in the gap for them to accomplish their assignments.
A prophet is the eye of the church who points direction and stands in the gap for them to soldier on in Christ Jesus
A prophet is the one always battling the enemy for the church to soar further in her Eagle wings in Christ Jesus
Be very very careful with prophets whose work is prophecy prophecy prophecy
Be very very careful with prophets not accompanied by Jesus Christ confirmed by miracles signs and wonders
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