The end of Coronavirus lies has come; the end is here. With Coronavirus, world chose lies, perpetuating of Antichrist Agendas and destroying humanity.
See Coronavirus lies and a vaccine as dark as charcoal
The End of CoronaVirus Lies Has Come
In September 2021, God revealed the end of Coronavirus lies to His servant
People demonstrations against their governments leaders and politicians was to come
Power was given to the people to destroy governments leaders and politicians who stood for the lies
And to bring them down never to lead again
Major change of world leadership is underway
A lie never lasts, a lie always metamorphoses
The end of Coronavirus lies is at hand
And the Truth will prevail
They will look at Tanzania President Magufuli, whom they waged war against and killed, and acknowledge that he was right about coronavirus
A cup of God’s wrath is poured upon them, their judgment is decreed
The end of Coronavirus lies is at hand
God reigns over the nations; God sits on His Holy Throne
Rapture is at hand
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand