There are 2 types of prayer;
- Spirit prayer and,
- Flesh prayer
What’s the difference?
The 2 Types of Prayer – Spirit vs Flesh
1. Spirit Prayer
In Spirit prayer, the Holy Spirit prays through you – it is not you praying but the Holy Spirit. This is prayer in the Spirit or spiritual prayer.
Prayer is an intercession and it’s the Holy Spirit who makes the intercession not us
Rom 8:26 For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words
Because we humans do not know how we ought to pray, the Holy Spirit prays for us. Not only does He pray for us but He directs us in prayer, putting words in our lips and tongues, giving us what to say, how to say it, what to pray for, etc.
In Spirit prayer, you just open up your mouth and the Holy Spirit takes over His temple (the body) thus you utter words and pray as the Spirit directs. See the body is the temple of God.
It is only in Spirit prayer where we pray in the Will of God. You cannot pray in God’s Will unless it is the Spirit praying through you for it is the Spirit who knows the Will and thoughts of God (1 Cor 2:10-16).
It is in Spirit prayer where the Holy Spirit gives you an Angelic language, an Angelic tongue, and you speak to God in a heavenly language – you speak in tongues. See speaking in tongues
Reason Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ said tongues of the Angels are for private use for they are given by the Spirit in private – in prayer (1 Cor 14)
When you pray in the Spirit, it is the Holy Spirit praying through you. By the time the prayer finishes, you are filled with the Holy Spirit – you are filled with peace, joy, happiness, patience, gentleness, self-control, calmness, peace, all fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22) to a level you cannot explain.
This is because in Spirit prayer, you surrender yourself, the temple (the body), fully to God, and the Holy Spirit takes over completely killing self and fills you with Him and because of this, as you come out of prayer, you are completely filled with the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Holy Spirit are manifested in the temple of the Lord.
2. Flesh Prayer
Flesh prayer is when we (humans) pray by the flesh – when it’s the flesh praying not the Spirit. It is praying by our mind, thoughts, emotions, what we feel, hear, smell, touch, etc.
When praying by the flesh, the flesh takes dominion, authority over the Spirit.
Where the flesh is in authority, the Spirit of God departs
In flesh prayer, you need set prayer time. In Spirit prayer, the Spirit is in prayer every minute.
To those not led by Spirit (in flesh), when and where to pray is dictated by their mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions, religious times, etc, while in Spirit prayer everything is dictated by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is not dictated by time and place but everywhere every time is prayer time
Reason in Spirit prayer you can pray while walking, talking, working, in a bus, train, etc, while this is not so with flesh prayer for you need set place and time. In Spirit prayer, you are always constantly continuously in prayer anywhere every time.
If you teach your spirit to pray though the Holy Spirit, even when you are asleep at night, the spirit will be in prayer for spirit never sleeps – in the spiritual world there is no sleep; sleep is for the flesh.
Constant continuous prayer in the Spirit is constant continuous fellowship with Jesus Christ. This is submitting to God, resisting the enemy and he flees from you (James 4:7).
The problem we have with today people even those calling themselves of God is that they only seek fellowship with Jesus on Sundays and on set days and times but not always living in His presence reason the go to ‘Sunday-church-services’ and come out with their afflicts torments diseases etc, fleshy motivated and inspired.
In Spirit prayer, it is the Spirit that tells us what to pray for and gives us the words, while in prayers by the flesh, humans pray crammed prayers, written prayers, by their thoughts, mind, feelings, emotions, etc
When Jesus said, ‘in this manner therefore pray’ (Mt 6), He did not mean cram how He prayed and keep repeating it to Him – God does not like repetitions; He is not deaf. See use not vain repetitions when you pray
The Spirit of God will always lead you to pray in accordance to God’s Will while in the flesh, you will always pray against God’s Will.
Years ago I went to a fasting center. I found a lot of ‘pastors’ ‘leaders of churches’ therefore fasting and writing sermons for Sunday – you know in religion you write sermons but in Spirit its God who dictates what to say, preach and teach.
I went to pray early in the morning, several of those pastors were praying loud and I heard them asking God to take people’s money lying in the bank and give them for their ‘church’ fundraising that Sunday since they had a fundraising in their so-called church.
You cannot pray and ask God to take people’s money in the banks and give you – that is stealing! In other words you are telling God to steal
You cannot pray and ask God to give you money for church fundraising – God neither fundraise merchandise nor make money in His church. See heresies in church today – merchandising
Those ‘pastors’ were praying flesh prayers and against God yet fasting. You can fast but all be in vain.
And I asked myself, if these are the church leaders praying against God, what about the followers?
Our prayers are not answered because we pray not according to God’s Will nor by His Spirit but by flesh and our own will, dictating God and telling Him what to do.
1 John 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His Will He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him
I told you how when I was in the world I was asking God to give me a lot of money – was it in His Will at that time? No! Reason my prayers were never answered.
Prayer by flesh is religion. This are the prayers of Pharisees, Sadducees, hypocrites, etc. They are powerless prayers. Power is not in the words you speak but it is the Spirit – the Holy Spirit.
I taught you how Pharisees were blind, spending time fasting and praying instead of running to God walking in the streets. If indeed the Pharisees had the Spirit of God, they could be walking with Jesus or running to Him with their problems like the woman with blood flow but instead they had an evil spirit.
Satan, demons and the kingdom of darkness pray too.
In the same manner there is Spirit prayer and flesh prayer, there is also fasting by the Spirit and by the flesh, giving by the Spirit and giving by flesh, worshiping by Spirit and worshiping by flesh, trying to please God by flesh and pleasing God by Spirit, etc
Many of those who call themselves of God are in religion, doing things by flesh not Spirit. Walk in the Spirit.
Children of God are those only led by the Spirit not by flesh
Rom 8: 14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God
Is it flesh that leads you or it is the Holy Spirit? Are your prayers of the Spirit or of the flesh?
The difference between us in Jesus Christ and every other person and religion is that we do things as led by the Spirit while all others are led by flesh
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