This is my testimony of God doing miracles through this blog and testimony of God miraculous intervention the day I could not pay this blog bills and the blog was almost suspended.
God miraculous intervention the day I could not pay this blog bills and the blog was almost suspended
This blog is God’s, born when God promised to give me something to do on end October 2011. Since it is God’s, not mine, I have nothing to worry about it. See testimony of how God sent His child to this blog
Christian Truth Center bills
On 2nd of every month I pay about $10 to hostgator for hosting this blog. I do not know how I have managed to pay for almost 3 years now without failing. It is a miracle and I have seen God in control.
According to my hosting company, if you fail to pay your monthly hosting bill on the due date, which is 2nd of every month to me, you are given a grace period of 10 days then your site is suspended.
My grace period ends on 12th of every month and if I fail to pay by 12th this site is suspended. Suspension means that you and I will not be able to access it until I clear all bills.
If your site is suspended by the host company you pay a fine which is twice what you’re supposed to pay each month. Since I pay $10, if this site get’s suspended, I will pay $20 for this site to be accessible again.
Testimony of God miraculous intervention the day I could not pay this blog bills and the blog was almost suspended
2nd December 2013 came and I did not have any money to pay for this blog hosting fee. Thus we entered into the 10 day grace period were I was supposed to pay by 12th December.
12th came and I had no money. I told God,
‘This is your blog and it is you who told me to start it. The gospel and messages I write are yours and you instruct me to keep writing for your children. I have no money to pay for this blog’s hosting fee. I ask you to pay for its bills and if not so let your will be done. I know your will is the best’.
I got into bed and slept knowing that if God will not pay for this blog’s hosting fee by midnight, I will wake up and find it suspended. Even with this in my mind, surprisingly I slept like a log.
I woke up at 10am on 13th of December knowing that if God had not miraculously intervened in the night, this blog was suspended on the midnight of 12th December 2013.
My mobile phone had spoiled thus I was using a modem to read text messages. When I woke up, I plugged my modem into computer to read messages.
Amazingly, the only message available on that morning of 13th December 2013 was an M-pesa message. Someone send me money that morning while I was still asleep.
Surprisingly, this person sent the exact amount I needed to clear this blog hosting fee but there was a problem. By this time, I knew in my mind that my site was suspended thus I needed to pay two times of what I had.
Since I knew in my mind that this blog was suspended, I did not try to access it but having money to pay though not enough, I choice to pay since I had told God that if He gives me money, the first thing to do is to pay for this blog’s hosting fee for His Gospel to stay accessible.
I deposited the money from my M-pesa account to my bank account since I use this account to pay for this blog bills. I logged in my account with the hosting company to pay $10 knowing that the site was suspended and I needed not $10 but $20 to bring it back.
Looking at my hosting company account, the company had automatically done the transaction when the money reached my bank account. Miraculously no fine thus I only needed that $10 for this blog to be accessible for the month of December 2013.
I then noticed that since they had not fined me, they had not suspended this blog on the midnight of 12th December 2013 as they are supposed to do. It was 13th December 2013 at around 11am when I am paying this blog hosting fee yet the site was not suspended. It was a miracle.
Wait! There is a greater miracle which followed
Testimony of God doing miracles through this blog
When I received the M-pesa message that morning informing me that a person had send money through mobile transfer to me, I recalled a person who had earlier asked me for my M-pesa number which I gave when the person said,
‘Praise Jesus man of GOD. How are you doing man of God? Kindly I would like you to please give me your M-pesa number so as I can feed the man of God with the little God provides me with like the widow who fed His servant Elijah and I know it will not be in vain. Please you can pray about it but I feel convinced to do so by the spirit of God. Blessings’
It is a miracle that the person sent the money I needed to pay for this blog bills at the right time.
I got back to the person, said thank you and blessed the person. (I cannot fully thank any person who helps me willingly but I let my God thank His children on my behalf).
The person then replied,
‘Amen. Let God’s will be done in our lives and ministry too. Were called to serve and love each other because the God we serve is Love Himself. Be blessed and never go to bed hungry always speak and if I have something we will share and God will see us through. Blessed day Man of God. Let’s always pray for each other’.
What I have not told you is that from 9th I had gone to bed hungry.
I told the person that I do not beg nor ask for help but I let my God do so for me.
The person replied,
‘Man of God you will not be begging please: I told you I felt the spirit of the Lord commanded me to this to you. If you will not say it I know the Lord I serve will always command me to and I will always obey. Be blessed man of God’
And this is the testimony which followed from that person as sent to me.
‘Praise God man of God. O I want to testify what God has done. After I was commanded to share de very little I had on Friday morning, I ministered then I later went for a revival crusade. It rained heavily that evening and my house flooded. I prayed and on Saturday God commanded a lady to give me a 2 bed-roomed house that I stay without any single cent payment. I know it was God’s blessings through u. I glory de lord. Pray with me for God’s doing about my paying of it in January. Its 15,000Ksh and I know God had a plan for me taking me in this house’
Brethren, God is able and faithful.
God needs obedience not responsibility. He loves those who hear His voice and obey. Do not give to God expecting a reward but give in obedience and giving thanks. And this is the Grace: – God’s Riches At Christ Expense.
We receive God’s riches not because we give or tithe but at the expense of Jesus Christ. See should we tithe?
And this is the testimony of God doing miracles through this blog
God bless