Teach people giving tithing offering sacrificing but ask/beg them not. It is not the work of a Jesus Christ servant to ask people to give but God’s responsibility.
In the same manner as I taught you, it is not the responsibility of the people to take care of a preacher but God’s responsibility – whomsoever has send you must take care of you.
Teach People Giving Tithing Offering Sacrificing But Ask/Beg Them Not
Jesus Christ servants are send to preach the gospel accompanied by signs miracles and wonders (Mk 16:14-20). See miracles signs and wonders follow Jesus Christ servants
The gospel is Jesus Christ therefore what you preach and teach must point/lead people to Jesus Christ otherwise it is of the devil. See what the gospel is
Jesus sends His servants to teach people all Truth which includes truth about giving, tithing, offering, sacrificing, ministering to Jesus Christ by helping the needy, etc but Jesus never sends His servants to go begging for these things.
Moses led the first church, the children of Israel in the wilderness (Acts 7:38)
God taught Moses all the Truth and gave Moses commands and Laws. Moses came and taught the first church (children of Israel) all the Truth laws and commands. He taught them giving, tithing, offering, sacrificing, helping the needy, etc. It was not Moses responsibility to make people do these things but God’s – Moses was not even supposed to beg the Children of Israel.
As I taught you earlier in whosoever has send you must take care of you, Moses never depended on the children of Israel but the children of Israel depended on him, Moses – the relationship of a shepherd and the sheep. A shepherd who depends on the sheep is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
In the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth, you will never see Jesus asking/begging people to give to Him or His ministry. Neither will you see His disciples who become the apostles doing it.
Therefore if indeed you are called and send by Jesus Christ to preach His gospel, teach people the Truth, begging them not – do not beg in the Name of Jesus or His gospel. Begging is a curse (Deut 15).
When you teach people all the Truth about giving it is God’s responsibility to ask/make people do these things not your responsibility – look at the entire Bible and see that it was God asking people to do all these things and making them give.
When it is God asking people to give, He may do it at different times and days to every person individually.
One religious mistake we have in today-so-called-churches is having a time of giving/offering/tithing/etc. If it’s God moving people to give, He will move them at different times even days.
In God there is no giving time, every time is time to give as he commands those His.
Another religious mistake we have today is people giving publicly not in secret. Remember God is in secret (Mt 6) and for you to be rewarded, you must give in secret.
If you lead a gathering/congregation have a set place where people can come secretly and give, offer, tithe, etc to God – it is better to have a secret room or place where people can enter and come out secretly without being seeing by others.
When the entire congregation is rising at the same time to give openly, do you ever think about those who do not have?
One thing I faced is being in a congregation where all people stand openly at the same time to give while I had nothing material to give.
When a gathering or congregation is giving at the same time openly, people not even asked by God to give will be forced to – it is not giving willingly. God only rewards a willing giver.
When God asks people to give or do anything, He does not force them – it’s by free will. Love never forces its way.
If you are leading a ministry/congregation/gathering ask God for a channel for people to give – He will lead you. In Jesus ministry on earth, people channel to give was through Judas Iscariot (why?) – Same Judas who sold Jesus.
When there is no channel for people to give, offer, tithe, etc to God through you, you are denying people their blessings, deliverance, healing, breakthrough, etc.
When I started preaching and teaching, I was not accepting any giving from humans. One day God come to me and told me that I am denying people blessings and He vanished without explaining how?
I was disturbed very much and cried to Him. Then after some days a person came and spoke about how giving, offering, etc through me is a channel of blessings, deliverance, healing, breakthrough and salvation to people and I was denying them this – I run to repentance and asked God for a way and He guided me.
And now I can testify of people receiving their blessings just by giving through me and how I myself receive blessings and breakthrough by giving through others as God commands me.
In giving secretly, happily, freely, willingly, accompanied by prayer and living Godly, there is blessings, healing, break through, answer to prayers, etc. Stinginess, not giving can be the thing standing against you.
Another mistake today is giving and receiving at the same time. The time to receive is not time to give – what do I mean?
In a congregation led by a Jesus Christ servant with Power, when the Holy Spirit is moving upon the people, healing, deliverance, setting them free, casting demons, etc it is not time to give your material things but time to receive. When you give at that time it hinders your blessings. Why?
Because money (material things) and the Holy Spirit do not mix.
When you have gone to receive from God or be fed by God be it through preaching and teaching that is not the time to give – look for a time when you are not receiving to give. Reason if you give any material thing to a servant of Jesus Christ when preaching, teaching, laying hands on people, ministering, etc, he will refuse to receive – that is a devil trap!
Look carefully that any preacher ministering, preaching and teaching, and at the same time receiving material things from people, the Holy Spirit is not seeing doing miracles signs and wonders to the people. The move of the Holy Spirit upon people is seeing not felt.
Your loyalty in giving is measured when you have little – if you cannot give when you have little, when you have plenty, you will not give and that more you are waiting for to start giving may never come. You not giving is shutting the doors for more to come to you.
One thing we need all to stand against is gospel begging – begging in the Name of Jesus Christ, His gospel, offering, tithes, etc; it dirties His Name and cause people to blaspheme Him and those His. Do not make God be blasphemed because of you.
Give, and it will be given to you (Lk 6:38)
Today, people want things of God, things of heaven, but not God Himself – do not be one of them
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand