This is TB Joshua death prophecy fulfillment as revealed 17th May 2017 and October 2018.
See TB Joshua Flee to Israel, it’s God’s Will and Imminent Trouble Coming to TB Joshua and SCOAN
TB Joshua Death Prophecy Fulfillment
On 17th May 2017, God revealed the departing of TB Joshua, the Fleeing to Israel (home) as revealed,
‘I saw the evil one (Satan) out to kill TB Joshua
And I saw God open heaven and release one of the Old Testament prophet; he was like an angel
This angel came to protect TB Joshua and take him to his place – where the Old Testament prophet stayed in his times – Israel
In Israel is where your protection is TB Joshua’
After one of the fellowships, my brother in Christ asked me, ‘Joshua, what does it mean to go to Israel?’
I answered him, ‘It spiritually means death – going to heaven (Israel)’ – where the New Jerusalem is, which will later descend to the New Earth to dwell with man (Rev 21)
When a Prophet prophesies saying s/he has been instructed to go to Israel, s/he is prophesying of his/her death
Before Coronavirus hit, when rapture season entered, TB Joshua finished his assignment on earth as God had revealed to me then, and it was time for TB Joshua to go to Israel (home)
At time of his departure from earth, TB Joshua had neither disease nor sickness, nor any health issue and he had completed his assignment upon the earth
In the Revelation of 17th May 2017, I said, ‘And God revealed what will happen to you if you delay or stay in Nigeria?’
If TB Joshua was allowed to stay, the Devil could have killed him, shot him as additionally revealed on 14th May 2020 in prophecy of gunshots fired to TB Joshua
Satan was ready to kill TB Joshua
In the second revelation of October 2018, imminent trouble coming to TB Joshua and SCOAN, I revealed,
‘I saw imminent trouble coming to TB Joshua & SCOAN
It’s at hand
Will the year 2019 and beyond be the same for TB Joshua and SCOAN?
Pray for TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church Of All Nations’
The question many have been asking themselves and me privately is; What will happen to SCOAN? – Pray!
Followers of TB Joshua, Partners of Emmanuel TV, and SCOAN, Pray, ask God for direction and revelation – mourn cry no more
What will happen to Nigeria? Pray for Nigeria.
Satan is a Thief; always fighting to steal God’s glory
TB Joshua is in Israel
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand