Vision of the sun appearing in night and releasing sparks lighting fires was revealed to me on 19th September 2013.
This is what I saw,
It was in the rainy season when I had gone to visit my parents in the village. Crops in the fields were very green having been planted about a month ago.
For few days it had not rained and there were some seedlings which needed to be watered. After looking after the livestock, my neighbor come and told me to go fetch water since he needed to water his seedlings. Night was falling.
There is a shallow well exactly at the border between our neighbor’s homestead and ours. The well does not go dry all year round.
My neighbor and I went down to the well with no source of lighting. Night had fallen and darkness was all over. Nevertheless, we were determined to get water and it was a good time to catch up since the last time we saw each other.
I remember telling my neighbor that God will light the way as we walked through the crop filled fields. My neighbor knew very well what I meant. I then asked God to lighten up the way.
Sun appears in night releasing sparks lighting fires
The sun had set in the west but as I finished asking God to give light, I was surprised to see the sun back again settling on the west just about to set.
The sun did not give much light since it was setting. You know how the world lighting is when the sun is about to set; neither dark nor bright but humans can see.
The world was amazed and puzzled. How can the sun which had set come back and settle at its setting point?
We walked to the well and I don’t know how long we stayed there. My mother usually leaves many water buckets in the well and we were filling them all.
The sun went down on the west and darkness covered the whole land again while we were still in the well. After some few minutes, the sun which we could not see started emitting light in breaks, the light travelling speedily in the sky from west to east.
Every person on earth was terrified. Suddenly the sun stopped emitting light and started emitting sparks moving with great speed from west to east.
The sparks started landing on earth and every spark lighting fire on the place it landed. Many people were asleep by this time. I cannot know what time of the night it was.
Fires could be seen all over and people were awakened by cries of fire. The fires come burning to the well and I was surprised because on reaching where we were, the fire extinguished itself.
We started using the water we had fetched to extinguish the fires near us and preventing them from spreading further. All the water we had fetched ended up in extinguishing these fires until we started using twigs. The whole world was experiencing these fires.
When my cousin woke up, he was surprised at what we where doing at the well at this time of night. My cousin home is about 200 meters from our home and about 200 meters from the well. It is when we learned from him that it was midnight.
As we extinguished the fires with twigs, I heard the Holy Spirit instructing me to ask God to protect His own children and families. I did as instructed.
Surprisingly the fires stopped spreading and extinguished itself slowly by slowly.
Then I heard the Holy Spirit telling me it is done and God has taken care of His own children all over the world. Surprisingly all believers families were guarded miraculously from this fires. No fire came their way.
After seeing every thing that had happened, the Holy Spirit told me that these are signs of the End Times, the signs prophesied by prophets and Jesus Christ is coming down to take His bride.
This verse was clearly said by the Holy Spirit to me. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke Joel 2:30.
It was powerful and so real.
Glory to Jesus Christ