This is a revelation of a strange woman In State House Kenya as revealed September 2022
Strange Woman In State House Kenya – Revelation
You clothe your head with the sun
Counterfeit glory of abomination
A harlot, sitting in many waters
Holding a cup full of abomination
Religion is in your belly
With prayers fasting and religious acts you blind many
Even so those of Christ Jesus
Prophets of the Most High you hate
For their eyes see you and they know you
You cunningly deceived Kenyans
And now you are in Kenya State House
Supplying Kenya State House with your merchandise
State House, now your religious tabernacle
Fornicating Kenya as you will
Did you not mock revelation to Kenyans of their affliction, affliction you are causing? See William Ruto President – the looting of Kenya and Suffering of Kenyans
Did you not lead them to your master Satan, son of the dawn, and he asked them for a blood sacrifice, the blood of Kenyans? See Satan asked for the blood of Kenyans as a sacrifice
‘Afflict them the more’
Let their cry rise up as a smoke mixed with fire to the Most High God
For who can deliver Kenyans from your grip?
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of Jesus is at hand