Stop preaching a human being – preach Jesus Christ. We are all send to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Mk 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. See also Mt 28: 19-20.
1 Cor 1:23 we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles
1 Cor 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified
There are several ways of preaching the gospel apart from pulpit preaching (next teaching) but how do people preach a human being?
Stop Preaching a Human Being – Preach Jesus Christ
A human being is a creation of God and you cannot preach the creation but only the creator. There are people who preach the creation, who preach human beings. These are;
1. People who preach a servant
Some followers of servants preach the servant not Jesus Christ thus the servant is a ‘god’ unto them. What this followers preach testify and witness to day and night is the servant, a human being not Christ Jesus.
You have seen some people who come here and want us to talk of a human being not Jesus Christ; they want us to talk of Joshua Munguti, TB Joshua, Prophet Owour, Benny Hinn, etc but not Jesus Christ and when I tell them that here we only talk of Christ Jesus, they disappear – that is the devil.
Satan wants you to speak of and preach a human being not Jesus Christ. When you are speaking of a person, you are preaching that person.
These are the same people who spend their time speaking of ‘our denominations’, ‘our church’, ‘our so-called-preacher’, etc but not Jesus Christ and their personal relationship with Christ.
Some servants have made themselves ‘gods’ to their followers thus becoming a stumbling block separating them from Jesus Christ and if you look carefully at their followers, they are bound with chains and curses though preaching their ‘god’ day and night for that ‘god’ has separated them from Jesus Christ deliverance and salvation.
2. Preaching ‘prophecy’
A prophet or a person with gift of prophecy does not preach prophecy – you speak God Word given to you be it about a person, a nation, etc then be silent until God gives a Word again or else as you wait, preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
See difference between a prophet and spirit of prophecy
You do not go about preaching explaining exemplifying prophecy or that person, nation, event, etc spoken of in the prophecy.
Example; God has spoken to me about Donald Trump, Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, TB Joshua, USA, Philippians, South Africa, Mexico, and many more. I speak the word as given but I do not go preaching these human beings or nations. Reason if you look carefully, when God gives a word I reveal it then go back to preaching teaching Jesus Christ and His kingdom.
But you have seeing people who come here want us to speak of/preach this human beings, nations, politics, etc instead of them speaking of Jesus Christ and their personal relationship with Him.
Many of your so-called prophets, prophetesses and people with gift of prophecy preach creation; human beings, politics, nations of the world, etc not Jesus Christ. When they give a prophecy about a person, nation, event, etc, they go on to preach that person, nation, event, etc.
Preaching a prophecy, explaining or exemplifying it is a sin before God for that adds or minuses His Word
God prophetic word is coded only for the believers (1 Cor 14:22) and God knows that those His will encode the coding for they have the Holy Spirit to reveal to them.
Be careful with people prophesying according to world news and events. See difference between prophecy and spirit of divination.
3. Gossipers rumormongers and slanderers
Gossipers rumormongers and slanderers preach a human being. When you are speaking of a person, you are preaching that person.
Do not be fooled by them hiding with the name Jesus or denomination or a so-called-servant of God. Human beings can confess Christ with their lips but not have Him in their heart.
Mt 15:8 These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me
Gossipers rumormongers and slanderers only have a form of godliness denying the power (2 Tim 3:1-9)
Satan and his people cannot preach Christ Jesus thus through gossip and slander they concentrate on preaching Jesus Christ servants and His Bride.
Before you gossip and slander, before you start preaching a human being through slander and gossip, remember you were created to preach Jesus Christ not a human being.
In Jesus Christ there is no gossip, rumor-mongering, slander or any form of hate and praying bad to befall others. See gossip and slander will take you to hell
Whomsoever whatsoever you are speaking of, that you are preaching.
4. Bragging and showing-off
When you see a person bragging or showing off that person is either a god to himself or that thing s/he is showing off and bragging of is a god to him/her.
Example; if you are bragging and showing off a car, that car is a god to you. If you are bragging and showing off a house, that house is a god to you. If you are bragging and showing off yourself, you are a god to yourself worshiping and praising yourself and drawing followers to worship you.
This is what marine kingdom of Jezebel does; they make men worship women as women brag and show-off their bodies (trash and nudity) – as men lust worship praise women bodies, they descend fast to hell.
The kingdom of darkness makes you brag (boast) and show off worldly materials in so do doing, love of world enters you and these things become your ‘god’ and you chase them day and night.
When you are bragging and showing off, the glory does not go to Jesus Christ but to yourself, your effort, energy, another human being or to the world. Everything of/from Jesus Christ takes all the glory to Him.
Jesus Christ servants do not brag and show-off because nothing is of their own effort/energy and in the molding process, God kills self in them for Christ to be seeing not them and so are the Bride of Christ.
Both kingdom of heaven and kingdom of darkness has servants (vessels), and the servants are human beings. The different between kingdom of heaven and kingdom of darkness servants is that the glory praise and honor of servants of kingdom of heaven all goes to Jesus Christ while the glory and honor of kingdom of darkness goes to the servants.
Mt 6: 9-13 For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
It’s ungodly to brag boast and show-off.
James 4:16 But now you boast and brag, and all such boasting is evil
You are only allowed to boast of the cross of Jesus
Gal 6:14 may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus
Be careful with these so-called-servants boasting bragging and showing off.
If self has not died, you will brag and show-off but if self has died and Christ lives in you (Gal 2:20), you will never brag nor show-off.
(These are just some examples of how people are preaching a human being or creation. And apart from human beings, there are other things being preached today like world education, inspiration and motivation, business, etc.)
People speak of/preach another human being to cover up sins and curses eating them up – demons use that to hide themselves. Look at every person gossiping, slandering, abusing, showing-off, preaching a human being, etc and see the curses upon them.
Jesus Christ is concerned about your personal relationship with Him. In Him you are not allowed to speak of another person unless you are standing in the gap or praying for them. Therefore stop speaking of others and concentrate on your personal relationship with Him and ministering to Him (Mt 25).
Whom are your preaching?
If you are of Christ, preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified
Jesus is coming
Repent repent repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand