Stop blaming others for your curses, torments, afflictions, troubles, predicaments or for whatsoever comes upon you. When you blame others, you become an enemy to yourself.
Stop Blaming Others – You are an Enemy to Yourself
John 10:10 The thief comes to steal kill and destroy
A thief cannot enter steal kill and destroy unless there is an open door (opening) for him – unless you have opened the door for him
Satan is the thief who steals kills and destroys and for him to enter, we play a role – we open the door for him. How?
- Sin
- Abomination
- Accursed things
- Blaspheming God
- Disrespecting Satan
See how we open the door for the enemy
The enemy cannot afflict you with a curse unless there is an open door for him to enter
He cannot give you a disease unless there is an open door for him to you. Remember all diseases are of the enemy
He cannot put asunder a marriage, break a family unless there is an opening for him
He cannot make you poor, a slave, unless there is an opening for him to you. See spirit of poverty
He cannot rape you unless a door is open for him
He cannot con, steal from you unless a door is open for him
He cannot kill you unless a door is open for him
The problem we have is instead of looking for the doors we have opened for the thief to steal kill and destroy us, we start accusing, blaming and pointing fingers at others
When we repent, God forgives and forgets (Isa 43, Heb 8) but this is not so with the enemy, Satan – He never forgets.
Because the enemy never forgets, he remembers all our sins thus every door we have ever opened for him, and he will use it to steal kill and destroy us at his right time
In the past you might have abused a person and forgotten, do not be surprised if 10 years or 20, 50, 70 years later the enemy uses that to steal kill and destroy you
In the past you might have conned, stolen from a person and forgotten, do not be surprised if years later the enemy uses what you did against you
In the past you might have been part of putting a marriage asunder and forgotten, do not be surprised if the enemy uses that door you opened for him to destroy you, your family and marriage
The enemy never announces the day and hour he is coming. As long as you opened the door for Satan, he will come to steal destroy and kill at his time
When you open the door for the thief, you never decide what he will steal kill and destroy – he will steal kill and destroy as he wills. When you open the door to Satan, he does as he wills.
When you abuse a person, do not expect to be abused back but the enemy will use that abuse from your tongue to bring you any curse as he wills – it may be a disease, poverty, addiction, etc
When you con, steal or covet, do not expect the enemy to do the same, he may bring you a disease, poverty, break your family and marriage, etc
When you open the door for the thief, he will come do his will not yours – we never decide to the thief what he does to us
If the enemy does not steal kill and destroy you for the doors you have opened inviting him, he awaits for your children and generation. It’s for this reason we repent generational curses for they are doorways of the enemy.
When you are busy blaming, accusing, and pointing fingers at others for whatsoever comes upon you, the enemy is busy killing you unrestrained, unhindered – it is fighting the wrong battle, a losing battle.
See the marathon race – who are you competing with?
Accusing and blaming others is a weapon of the enemy to destroy you. Every brood of viper will always tell you it’s others, it’s your mother, father, grandfather, etc bewitching you, doing this and that to you but in reality, you are the enemy to yourself.
Why do they do this? For you not to fight the right battle, to fight blood and flesh (Eph 6), for the enemy to steal kill and destroy you unhindered, unstopped.
It is until you see the doors you have opened, run to Jesus Christ for repentance that He will shut the doors you have opened for the thief with His blood, delivered you and destroy the works of the devil upon you (1 John 3:8)
When you are blaming and accusing others, you never open your eyes to see the doors you have opened to the thief reason the enemy celebrates when you are busy blaming and accusing others – as you fight blood and flesh
Blaming and accusations, shuts your eyes from seeing your own sins, wrongs, shortcomings, etc thus you never acknowledge your sins nor repent. First repentance principle is acknowledging your sins.
Adam blamed the woman, and the woman blamed the Serpent – that shut their eyes from seeing their sins, acknowledging them and repenting
A blaming and an accusing person is a proud person. A proud person cannot open his/her eyes to see his sins, mistakes, failures, but they are quick to blame others for their own predicaments – it is pride
Pride is death – it is hell (Prov 16)
When a marriage or relationship is being destroyed, the people turn to accuse and blame one another instead of each person looking individually and personally for the doors they have opened and role they have played in inviting Satan
A marriage or a relationship of blames, accusing and pointing fingers cannot stand
As I said, 99.9% of every curse, affliction, torment, disease, sickness, poverty, broken family, marriage, affliction, etc, in humans is all because of sin, abominations, accursed things, or blaspheming God and disrespecting Satan and his kingdom.
Remember everything that the enemy (Satan) brings upon you, there is an open door for him to
Stop blaming others. When you blame and accuse others, you become an enemy to yourself
Put end to Pride
Acknowledge your sins, wrongs, shortcomings, failures, etc and repent – Jesus will not only forgive you but He will also shut the doors you have opened with His blood
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand