Stop accusing others. Satan is the accuser – stop being a Satan. Children of God do not accuse.
Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, ‘Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night’
What is accusing?
Accusing in the dictionaries means charging someone with an offence or claiming a person has done something wrong
Biblically and spiritually, accusing means charging a person with wrong (whether true or false) for the person to be judged/punished
There is a difference between accusing and rebuking. In accusing you charge a person with wrong to be judged while rebuking you point at a person’s wrongs/sins for the person to repent and be forgiven, not be judged.
Accusing is hatred while rebuking is love reason God says, ‘Those I Love, I rebuke’ (Rev 3:19).
God rebukes while Satan accuses
Stop Accusing Others – Stop Being A Satan
How does Satan accuse?
Zech 3:1-2 then the angel showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the LORD, with Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. And the LORD said to Satan, ‘The LORD rebukes you, Satan! Indeed, the LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you! Is not this man a firebrand snatched from the fire?’
Was Satan charging Joshua the high priest with wrongs/sins he did not commit?
Zech 3:3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel
Joshua the High Priest was a sinner in filthy garments and Satan was accusing, charging him with sins he committed
Accusing a person does not mean you are pointing wrongs/sins the person did not commit but it also includes charging person with wrongs s/he committed – exactly what Satan was doing to Joshua the high priest
Why was Satan accusing, pointing out Joshua the high priests sins, before the Lord?
For God to judge Joshua the High Priest because by God judging means Satan gets the soul (Joshua) – God judgement is death
And that is what Satan does. When a soul (a person) gets to heaven, Satan stands to accuse, point every sin the person has committed for God to judge the person which means Satan gets the soul for hell.
Blessed are you in Jesus Christ for your sins are covered (Psalms 32:1) and blotted away by the blood shed on the Cross and like Joshua the High Priest, your filthy garments will be taken away and be clothed with fine linen (Zech 3) – the righteousness of saints (Rev 19:8).
Remember we are all sinners (Rom 3:23) therefore every person goes to heaven in filthy garments and Satan has records of all our sins (he never forgets), thus he stands to accuse.
God never accuses but rebukes while Satan accuses and never rebukes and so is the difference between servants of the 2 kingdoms
A Jesus Christ servants will point your sins as revealed to him for you to repent for Salvation, which is love, while brood of vipers will point your sins for you to be judged/punished – not for you to repent and be forgiven.
Reason I taught you that when Holy Spirit moves in a congregation, He points at people sins for the people to repent for them to see God in signs miracles and wonders. See how Holy Spirit moves in a congregation.
And this is also the difference between Bride of Christ and those not, including hypocrites – when they point at your sins, it is for you to be punished/judged not for you to repent and be forgiven.
When I wrote about no single mother in heaven, many women rose asking ‘what about the man, what about the husband, he did this and this blah blah blah’ – this is accusing, pointing at another person’s sins for the person to be punished/judged not forgiven. It reveals bitterness and hatred in their hearts and it’s also blaming (next teaching)
I taught what Bible teaches about rape, which was just milk, and I saw people asking, ‘what about the person who raped me, blah blah blah’ – their asking was because of bitterness and hatred for the person to be punished/judged for his/her wrongs but not for forgiveness – it is accusing
Accusing includes pointing at the sins of another person when the person is not there with you (gossiping and rumor-mongering). Example;
Many times I deal with marriages and when a husband or wife comes with troubled marriage, majority try to speak sins of the other partner instead of focusing on themselves and speaking their sins – this is accusing and I do not allow it.
In heaven and before God, you cannot be allowed to speak of another person’s sins unless you are Satan (already damned) – you can only pray for God to forgive (not judge/punish) and bless others
When you go to brood of vipers, they tell you its your mother, father, bother, sister, relative, friend, etc bewitching, killing, destroying you – they are accusing like their master Satan and destroying you
Accusation is a tool used to cover one’s sins – when you hear a person accuse another, the accuser is covering his/her sins. Example;
When Adam and Eve sinned, Adam accused Eve, Eve accused the serpent (Gen 3). If Adam and Eve could have indeed acknowledged they have sinned instead of accusing, God could have forgiven them but remember Satan had compromised them thus they accused like him the Accuser.
When we accuse, we hinder God from forgiving us for we have not acknowledged our sins and forgiven others (Mt 6:14-15).
Accusing is a tool of the enemy to destroy you – when you accuse, you may think you are hurting the other person but instead you are an enemy to yourself denying yourself healing, deliverance, blessings and salvation.
You heart shouts louder than your mouth the reason you are pointing at a person sins/wrongs, and this is not hidden from God (Psalms 139) – it is either you want the person to be judged/punished or repent to be forgiven.
The people who brought the adulterous woman (John 8:1-11) before Jesus pointed at her sins for her to be judged, put to death – they were accusing. Jesus knew her sins but instead called her to repentance – this is love. All those people were driven to accuse by Satan reason when Jesus said whoever has no sin be the first to cast a stone, they all remembered their sins and went away instead of asking Jesus for forgiveness like the adulterous woman. And Satan knew when the woman is judged by Jesus, he will have the soul of the woman in hell.
Frankly I tell you, heaven is for few (Mt 7:14)
Do not accuse, do not judge, never pray bad to befall others, nor point people sins for them to be punished but stand for their repentance forgiveness salvation praying for them
Accusing is a spirit of Satan – stop being a Satan. When you hear a person accuse, it is Satan in him/her speaking – the Satan destroying him/her. See Satan is a spirit in people
Repent for every accusation and ask Jesus to deliver you
Remember 99.9 % of every affliction, torments, diseases and sicknesses, curses, etc is all because of us – ‘you are an enemy to yourself’; do not accuse and blame any person for whatsoever comes upon you. See how we open the door for the enemy to kill and destroy us
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand