Stinginess to God shouts Idolatry. Your giving unto God defines your degree of idolatry. A non-consistent stingy giver and one who gives not, are all in idolatry.
Lev 19:4 Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the Lord your God
Stinginess to God Shouts Idolatry – Give Consistently
When the children of Israel were given the wealth of Egypt (gold and silver) by God, instead of going back to God and asking Him what to do with it, they kept all for themselves – a disastrous mistake.
Keeping the gold and silver to themselves, they started wearing it (children of Israel never wore gold and silver; ornaments). At this point they had sunk deep into idolatry. And it’s this idolatry that led them to take their gold and silver and make a molten calf with it – an idol to worship and sacrifice to.
For God to save the children of Israel, He decreed, ‘All gold and silver is Mine’ – all wealth and riches belong to God. Therefore, the children of Israel were to surrender the gold and silver back to God. This was God delivering them from Idolatry.
Jesus said, ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’
Your heart is always where your treasure is. If you treasure gold and silver, wealth and riches, in them is your heart. If you treasure money, in money is your heart. If you treasure God, in Him will be your heart.
You worship what you treasure. If you treasure money, money is the god you worship. If you treasure world education, education is the god you worship.
God commanded us saying, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind ….’ This means that our heart must not be divided. You heart cannot be in worldly things, worldly wealth and riches, money, and at the same time be in God – you cannot serve God and mammon, you cannot serve two masters.
Then, how does God get our hearts from these things; worldly gods?
By commanding us to give release surrender them unto Him for they all belong to Him. This is deliverance from Idolatry.
If a person’s heart is in a cloth, tell the person to give that cloth, if they obey, they have been delivered from the worship of a fabric and their heart will never be in a fabric
If a person’s heart is in money, tell them to release/give that money, if they obey, they have been delivered from the snares of worshiping money thus no matter the money they will ever have, they will never worship it
And here lies the problem with today’s church; Idolatry – worshiping of gold and silver, wealth and riches, money, etc. Today’s church is seeking these things not God; they treasure them not God.
Search your heart – what do you treasure? If it’s not God, you have a molten calf you worship. To some the molten calf is money, others its world education, cars, land (soil), their children, parents, etc, … search your heart.
A person who is continually consistently giving unto the Lord, s/he is continually being delivered from the love of world and its things, thus no matter how much God gives them these things, their hearts are not in those things.
God always gives human being in accordance to the degree of their idolatry. The more a person gives, the less idolatrous s/he is, the more blessed they are. The less a person gives, the more idolatrous they are, the poorer they are (study humanity, and you will realize this is the Truth).
God is looking for that consistent persistent giver unto Him not that one-time occasional giver. Consistency shouts Faithfulness, Truthfulness. A lie is never consistent.
Love gives without measure, without expecting a reward, from the heart. See Love gives more than a tithe
Be Delivered from Idolatry in the Name of Jesus
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand