Stagnation then losing it all is a result of not using what God has given you for His purpose but instead making a molten calf of it to worship and serve – idolatry.
See stinginess to God is Idolatry
Stagnation Then Losing It All – Irresponsible Custodian
When the children of Israel were given the wealth of Egypt by God (gold and silver), instead of turning to God and asking Him the purpose of the gold and silver, what to do with it, they kept it for themselves – a disastrous mistake. They then wore it, took the gold and silver and made a molten calf to worship and serve.
Stagnation entered until the molten calf (idolatry) was destroyed. Idolatry causes stagnation. If one never wakes up from idolatry, eventually they lose all. Idolatry made God cast out the children of Israel from the land He gave them many times.
To deliver the children of Israel from idolatry God decreed, ‘’All gold and silver belongs to Me’’
Giving delivers humans from idolatry. Giving sets our hearts free not to treasure these things of the world, not to love them, worship and serve them – for where your treasure is, there is your heart. See stinginess unto God is idolatry
Purpose of Worldly Wealth and Riches to Jesus Christ People
The gold and silver given to the children of Israel by God was for making the Ark of the Covenant, all instruments and vessels of service unto the Lord and to the Levitical Priesthood which God was coming to instruct. All gold and silver was for the facilitation of the gospel of Jesus.
Wealth and riches of the world to Jesus Christ people is for the facilitation of the gospel of Jesus Christ reason God allows His people to have it. To God, His Son’s gospel is the primary main agenda, everything else comes second.
We are the custodians of God’s worldly wealth and riches for His gospel. As a custodian, it’s our responsibility to use what the Master has given us in His Will. What if we do not use it in the Master’s Will?
We sink into idolatry; we treasure these things, our hearts being in them not in God, we wear them (show-off), and make a molten calf of them to worship and serve. Where there is idolatry, there is stagnation and eventually losing it all; poverty. Poverty is a result of idolatry.
The only way to flee idolatry is to realize all worldly riches and wealth belong to the Lord, all you have is God who has given you and belongs to Him not you – you are just a custodian. Then use that which He has given you for His Will otherwise you will stagnate, eventually lose it all.
Today, many with jobs businesses money wealth and riches of the world all what they do is eat, wear (show-off), party, make molten calves to worship and serve, acquiring more idols.
A person came to me, ‘Joshua, the company I work for is retrenching people, pray for me not to lose job’. And God said to me, ‘I gave the person the job but what has the person been doing with the money I gave?’. And all I saw was the person eating, showing-off, partying and getting more molten calves – the person lost the job.
Another person came asking for prayers to end stagnation and God said to me, ‘he has only been eating clothing and partying, he has not used any of the money I have given him on Me, why should I end the stagnation?’
If you cannot use what God has given you on Him, why should He increase you, bless you? It is easy to be blessed, but to maintain that blessing and God multiply it, you need more of Jesus.
The more faithful you are in facilitating the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more God trusts you as His custodian of worldly wealth and riches for His gospel, the more you have. If you are not faithful in the little, you cannot be faithful in many.
God has given you a job, business, source of money, riches and wealth, go ask Him what He wants you to do with the little He has given you. And God will point a person through whom you will be giving unto Him. Do not steal from God.
Many people make promises to God for Him to give them a job, business, a source of income, but when the money starts trickling in, they forget God. Keep your promises to God
Other’s God has instructed them what to give Him, through whom, when, but they have not been faithful – repent
Look for a person who for over 30 40 50 70 80 years has been faithful in giving sacrificing and offering to God like Job and see a Testimony of how Living and True the Word of God is.
Be a responsible custodian of God’s wealth and riches
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand