South Africa, South Africa, South Africa, this is what the LORD Says. Open your ears and hearts – hear.
South Africa Prophecy – The LORD Says
‘Why are you raising ‘pangas’ against each other?
Why have you sharpened your knives to stub each other?
Why are you cutting your metals into weapons?
Because you hate each other
Hate rules you South Africa
How can you say you love Me and hate one another?
Your leadership – does it know Me?
For My Grace is sufficient upon you now
And I will visit you before you rise against each other
I will send My servants to you
They will call you unto repentance
And I will reveal Myself through them unto you
Receive them, hear MY voice, obey
If you do not repent
My Grace will depart
I will visit you in My wrath
And execute My judgment upon you
You will drink My cup of wrath
And I will make you all bow down unto Me
For I AM the LORD
The Beginning and the End
I AM the LORD and there is no other; there is no God beside Me
Repent now while My grace abounds in you
Do not harden your hearts unto Me
I AM the God of Abraham’
Repent Repent Repent South Africa