![Signs and Wonders Follow Jesus Christ Servants](https://www.christiantruthcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Signs-and-Wonders-Follow-Jesus-Christ-Servants.jpg)
Miracles signs and wonders follow Jesus Christ servants preaching His gospel. If you are a true Jesus Christ servant, miracles signs and wonders must follow you.
Mk 16:17: And these signs shall follow them that believe
Jesus Christ spoke the above words to the 11 disciples (apostles) before He ascended to heaven. The 11 disciples became apostle; His chosen servants.
Jesus Christ does not send His servants to preach His gospel without power.
Lk 9:1-2: Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
Mt 10:7-8: And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give’.
Before He ascended, He told His disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they are powered.
Lk 24:49: And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry you in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on high.
Because Jesus Christ is the gospel, and He did not preach powerless gospel when on earth, so His servants do not preach a powerless gospel.
True Jesus Christ gospel is alive powerful not dead powerless because the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
Immediately before He ascended, Jesus Christ named signs which must follow the 11 disciples if they believed.
Mk 16:17-18: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
The above signs must follow all true Jesus Christ servants.
And the 11 disciples went preaching the gospel everywhere, signs following them.
Mk 16:20: And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.
Heb 2:4: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost
If you are preaching Jesus Christ gospel and you cannot see the above named signs by Jesus Christ following you, you are not preaching His gospel or He is not with you or you are not His servant.
Power brings miracles signs and wonders. Without power, there are no signs and wonders. Without power there is no kingdom of heaven.
See the kingdom of heaven is not in word but in power.
Signs and Wonders Follow Jesus Christ Servants
Every true Jesus Christ servant must be followed by signs.
These signs include (Mk: 16:17-18);
- Casting out of demons
- Speaking with new tongues
- Taking up serpents i.e. battling and destroying serpents
- If you drink (eat) anything deadly, it shall not hurt you
- Lay hands on the sick and they recover
Whether you are an apostle, a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, these signs must follow you if you are a true chosen servant of Jesus Christ.
See Jesus chooses His servants; you do not choose yourself
The apostles were followed by signs and wonders.
Acts 2:43: And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
Acts 5:12: And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders done among the people
Signs and wonders followed Paul and Barnabas
Acts 14:3: Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
Acts 19:11: And God brought special miracles by the hands of Paul
Apostle Paul says,
Rom 15:19: Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ
Signs and wonders followed Stephen
Acts 6:8: And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.
Philip was followed by signs and wonders
Acts 8:6: And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spoke, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.
The gospel is Jesus Christ. See what the gospel is
Because Jesus Christ is the gospel, and He did not preach powerless gospel when on earth, so His servants do not preach a powerless gospel; miracles signs and wonders follow them.
Purpose of signs and wonders following Jesus Christ servant
Miracles signs and wonders;
1. Confirms that Jesus Christ is working with His servant
Mk 16:20: And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following
2. Differentiates True Jesus Christ servants and ravening wolves
The servant Jesus Christ is working with confirming through signs and wonders is a true Jesus Christ servant otherwise a ravening wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Can Jesus Christ work with a servant He has not chosen and confirm him/her by miracles signs and wonders? No!
3. It is Jesus Christ confirming His gospel through His servant
Mk 16:20: And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following
Can Jesus Christ confirm a gospel not His? No!
4. It is Jesus Christ bearing witness to His gospel through His servant
God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost (Heb 2:4)
5. Reveal the power of the gospel
Signs and wonders reveal the power of the gospel; revealing the power of the gospel through His servant.
The power of the gospel is the spirit of God; the Holy Spirit.
Rom 15:19: Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God
Without power, the word is useless; it cannot perform or do anything. The power must be seen through miracles signs and wonders.
See the kingdom of heaven is not in word but in power
6. Jesus Christ confirms to humanity that that person is His chosen servant
Signs and wonders reveal the presence of power, the presence of kingdom of heaven, and Jesus Christ uses this to confirm to humanity that that person is His servant.
It is a must for true Jesus Christ servants to be followed by signs and wonders.
If you are calling yourself a God servant and you cannot see signs and wonders following you, ask yourself why? Are you truly a servant of Jesus Christ preaching His gospel or you have gone astray?
If you open a building calling it a church and people come until it is full; that is not a sign that the heaven is with you. If you open a building calling it a church and people come giving you money becoming worldly rich, that is not a sign from heaven.
Heavenly signs are, people speaking in tongues, the sick healed, the disabled rising up and walking etc.
For many have gone to preach this gospel without being called and chosen by Jesus Christ Himself
Mt 7:23: And then will I profess unto them, ‘I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity’.
If you are following a person you claim to be Jesus Christ servant and you cannot see signs and wonders, ask yourself what are you following and where are you heading to?
Jesus Christ gospel is powerful living doing the impossible to humanity. It is not dead. The way Jesus preached it with miracles signs and wonders so must it be preached.
A lot of today’s gospel is dead; of history. In the so-called churches with the so-called God servants, people read how miracles signs and wonders used to follow the gospel; history. There are no miracles, signs and wonders in many so-called churches today and we cannot see them following the so-called God servants.
Majority of the gospel preached is not Jesus Christ gospel because Jesus is not confirming it neither are the servants His because we cannot see Jesus Christ working with them.
See protestant heresies today: – why the Spirit of God has departed (next)
When God raises a true servant with signs miracles and wonders, you are fast to brand him/her a Satan servant but you accept your money making so-called preachers and ministers followed by no signs and wonders; there signs are worldly riches and big beautified buildings in name of churches. You brood of vipers!
From your Bibles, can you not see that miracles signs and wonders which followed Jesus must follow every true Jesus Christ servant called and chosen by Jesus preaching His gospel? Can you not see that Jesus Christ gospel must be alive with power performing miracles signs and wonders not a gospel of mere enticing words? An evil generation indeed!
Awaken Awaken Bride of Christ
Jesus Christ gospel must be with power performing miracles signs and wonders; doing the impossible to humanity
Because Jesus Christ is the gospel, and He did not preach powerless gospel when on earth, so His servants do not preach a powerless gospel.
A true Jesus Christ servant preaching Jesus Christ gospel must be followed by miracles signs and wonders.
You will all perish with your dead gospel which is not Jesus Christ gospel
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand