Christmas is an unbiblical day; A day neither found in the Bible nor set by God. It is a pagan day.
Christmas – Unbiblical Day; A Pagan Day
Christmas history
Christmas was a pagan day set by the Roman Empire. It was a day of lawlessness, drinking, sexual indulgence, singing naked in the streets, etc – a precursor of modern caroling.
Christmas (25th December) is not the Day Jesus was Born
Christmas is a day which was set about 350 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. The Bible gives us no date for the birth of Jesus Christ.
Nowhere in the Bible do we see Jesus born on 25th December.
Claim that Jesus was born on 25th December is unbiblical and those who profess it profess an unbiblical doctrine.
The early church had no Christmas day and neither did they celebrate it.
God did not set Christmas
God set all other holy days and feasts but He did not set Christmas day.
He set Sabbath, Passover, Feast of Unleavened bread, Feast of First-fruits, Feast of the Trumpets, etc but not Christmas?
If God set all other days in the Bible, could He have forgotten Christmas?
No! God is not a confused God
If God set all other holy days and feasts, He could have set Christmas if he wanted us to cerebrate it.
But because He did not want us to celebrate such a day, He did neither set it nor record it in the Bible.
There is a principle in the Bible; Where the Bible is silent, remain silent too – do not add or minus
The Bible is silent about the day Jesus was born. We must remain silent too and not even try to set a day.
25th December (Christmas) as the day Jesus was born is a day set by the world not by God – a day not found in the Bible. This is adding to the Bible; a big mistake.
Ask those who profess Christmas and celebrate it to open the Bible and show you that Jesus was born on 25th December and show you Christmas celebration being set by God in the Bible – they cannot because this is not Biblical.
People who hold on to unbiblical doctrines, because they cannot proof them Biblical, they always turn to attack you personally; they cannot stick to the Bible.
God did not set Christmas day – Satan did
The big question is;
Should Christians celebrate Christmas
Christmas day was a day of paganism as set by the Romans and has nothing to do with Jesus birth. Humans taking a day and setting it as the day Jesus was born is unbiblical and an abuse to the gospel.
Why should a true Bride of Christ celebrate a day not set by His father; a day not set in the Bible?
Who told you to celebrate the day Jesus was born? Who told you to set a day as the day Jesus was born and celebrate it? Not God of course. Then who? Satan indeed
Why are you taking things not of God and bringing them to Him? Why take a day not set by God and bring it to Him? Evil ignorant rebellious generation indeed
Christmas is a day set by the world not by God. In other words, it is a day set by Satan not by God.
Jesus was not born on 25th December as claimed.
Jesus was not celebrated in His birth with idols called Christmas trees, Santa Claus, etc like it is done today. He was born in a manger; you world people could not have a room for Him. And here today you are turning to celebrate Him? Hypocrites!
Jesus birth was not to be celebrated and it is not to be celebrated.
Jesus was born a servant not a king to be celebrated and celebrating His birth dilutes His purpose and mission (takes the attention away).
He came to the world, laid in a manger as a servant to save humanity through the cross but not as a king laid in a castle or kings palace surrounded by idols; Christmas trees, Santa Claus, etc.
Passover is the day for the church to celebrate Jesus Christ – it is the day Jesus was crucified on the cross; the day He defeated Satan and gave birth to the church.
The entire gospel focus is the cross. Taking away the focus of the gospel from the cross is diluting it. See what the gospel is
The church was born on the cross – during the birth of Jesus Christ, the church was not yet born.
Christmas – Satan Agenda
The devil knows that on the cross humanity was saved and he was crushed on the head as prophesied
Gen 3:15: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel
Devil works round the clock to nullify and dilute the gospel of the cross.
Satan is in control of the world and He has given humanity Christmas/pagan day to celebrate, to totally dilute (take away attention from) and nullify the Passover – gospel of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus.
The way Christmas is celebrated in the world is not the way Jesus death and resurrection is celebrated – Satan has achieved his agenda.
Satan has achieved giving humanity 25th December to be Christmas day, the same day which is pagan day. Why is Christmas day a pagan day? Because he wants Jesus to be celebrated with all manner of sins/paganism and it is only the blind who celebrate
Another name for Christmas day is pagan day – Christmas is pagan day.
How the world celebrates Christmas/pagan day
What do we see today in the name of celebrating Christmas day? Do we see the birth of Jesus or pagan day?
Christmas (pagan) day is;
- A sinning day
Christmas is a day when man indulges in all sorts of bodily fleshly desires. It is a day to party, eat and drink, indulge in sex and all sorts of immoralities.
Just be true to yourself; Does the way you celebrate Christmas and the way the world does it represent the birth of Christ and is God pleased?
- A day to worship idols
Satan has given humans idols to worship on this day. They include Santa Claus, Christmas trees, etc. Humanity is totally blinded and worshipping graven image; idolatry.
- When God name is taken in vain
Christmas is a day when God’s name is totally profaned and taken in vain. It is a day when many people indulge in all sorts of sin in the name of celebrating the birth of Jesus (God).
What happens in the world in the name of celebrating Jesus birth is paganism and evil in the eyes of God.
Jesus was before creation – He is the creator
Jesus was before He become flesh and dwelled among us. He is He who created everything and without Him nothing was made that was made (John 1:3).
Jesus becoming flesh and being born in this world does not mean that is the day He stated existing.
Humanity must stop celebrating the word becoming flesh but celebrate the great work done on the cross.
On 25th December pagan Christmas day, the children of Israel celebrate Hanukkah not paganism as celebrated by the world in the name of Christmas. See Daniel 70 weeks
Wake up
Open your eyes
25th December was a day set by the Roman Empire not by God – not Biblical. It is a day of paganism; a day of lawlessness as the devil is in control.
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand