Seek the Fullness of God not just a part of Him. Many people today seek a part of Jesus Christ not Him in His Fullness.
It is not by mistake that the scripture (bible) contains so many books with many various topics and details but today hypocrites choose only to read and know what pleases them ignoring the rest.
Everything in the scripture reveals God in His Fullness – reveals Jesus Christ in His Fullness.
Jesus Christ is the gospel – the Word of God. See what the gospel is.
Seek the Fullness of God Not Just a Part of Him
If you only know the hand of Jesus Christ and you do not know His face, eyes, clothing, heart, mind, etc, you do not know Him yet.
If you only know the mind of Jesus Christ and you do not know His eyes, ears, mouth, garments, heart, etc, you do not know Him yet.
Many claim to know Jesus Christ but they do not truly know Him for they have chosen only to know what pleases them about Him ignoring the rest.
God of Abraham is a God of salvation and damnation (Mk 16:16). If you only know salvation without damnation, it is more likely you are on the road of damnation thinking you are on salvation road.
God of Abraham reveals both heaven and hell. If you only know heaven without knowing hell, it is most likely you are on the road to hell thinking and claiming to be on the heaven road.
See the road you take from the cross determines salvation or damnation
The gospel of Jesus Christ contains justification, sanctification and glorification. If you do not know all these in entirety, how do you claim you know Him?
The gospel of Jesus Christ contains both blessings and curses. If you only know blessings without curses, most likely you are on the road of curses claiming blessings. See many people are on the road of curses seeking blessings (next)
If you only know a God who blesses through tithing and you do not know a God who gives all by only seeking His kingdom and His righteousness (Mt 6:33), you do not know God yet.
If you only know a God who blesses through sacrifices, offerings, etc, and you do not know a God whose favor and blessings are not depended on sacrifices and offerings, you do not know God yet.
If you haven’t seeing Jesus Christ in power; casting out demons, healing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses, afflictions and torments, signs, miracles and wonders, you do not know Jesus Christ yet for the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. For many blasphemy and persecute His power.
The gospel of Jesus Christ reveals the past, present and future. It contains governing governments to the return of Jesus Christ, timings and the end of the heavens and the earth, but if you do not know past, present and future in Jesus Christ, where are you heading to?
It is not a mistake that entire Bible is prophetic from Genesis to Revelation.
Jesus Christ is a Man of War (Ex 15:3). If you do not know God of Abraham as a Man of War, you know Him not. Entire Bible is full of wars and reveals Jesus Christ as a Man of War. If you only know a God of peace, you do not know God yet.
God of Abraham is a God who kills and makes alive. If you only know a God who makes alive and does not kill, you do not know God yet.
God of Abraham is a God who wounds and heals. If you only know God who only heals but does not wound, you do not know God yet.
God of Abraham is a God who creates and destroys. He created the earth and the heavens and He will destroy them and new heaven and new earth will be seen. He destroyed everything on earth during Noah’s flood and He will destroy again by fire. If you only know a God who creates but not destroys, you do not know God yet.
If you only know repentance and holiness and you do not know of the power of the kingdom of God, salvation, resurrection of the death, heaven and hell, Bible prophecies and timings, etc, how can you claim to know God?
If you only know repentance and holiness, most likely you have created your own holiness heading to hell. See you can see God but not inherit His kingdom
If the only thing you know is repentance and holiness and stick only to it your entire life, you will perish for repentance and holiness does not save. Salvation is by grace through faith – Salvation is Jesus Christ.
Seek the fullness of God, Jesus Christ, not just a part of Him. Desire to know God in fullness not a part of Him.
Most people come to Jesus Christ through one part of Him. Some through repentance, others miracles, signs and wonders, others through blessings but if you do not move past that one thing that drew you to Jesus Christ and seek to know Him in fullness, it is most likely you will perish
If the only thing you know is blessings and you only stick to seeking blessings entirely in your life, you will indeed perish
Seek Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth – seek to know Jesus Christ in Fullness
Jesus is coming for a Bride who knows Him not for hypocrites – A true Bride knows the Bridegroom and the Bridegroom knows His Bride.
He is coming for a Bride complete in His fullness
Jesus is Coming
Repent Repent Repent
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand